
Bad night for both of them—Ansari failed to get laid and homegirl went away feeling traumatized. If you think it means you can’t enjoy his work anymore, you’re a hopelessly sensitive moron.

“witch hunt is a term for false accusations against the vulnerable by the powerful,”

No. Try using actual words next time.

That’s certainly easier than forming your own opinion of him.

Oh the irony of writing an outrage piece on someone who said that the movement is a witch hunt.

He said it’s a bit of a witch hunt?!? GET HIM!!!

Less adorable because the inundation of trendy hashtags is a bit difficult to keep up with? Because he can’t remember what the push-button hashtag of the night is?

Esports, more than traditional sports, have a unique opportunity to really diversify the kind of players and athletes we get to see. That OWL and team owners bend over backwards to much to justify the status quo is pretty exhausting. I’m somewhat sympathetic to arguments about team cohesion but nothing happens unless

This is so stupid. Excuses excuses excuses.

She was one of the most memorable parts of the season, though — 90 seconds or no.

No, they’re about “chivalry”, as well as Nazism.

Seriously, and then to throw it in here like it’s a matter of record.

The unending fevered race to make up nonsense excuses to hate people deserves to be #1 if not the whole list.

Another candidate for worst thing on the internet in 2017: The Fader’s poorly researched article on Fantano’s “alt-right dogwhistling” that got nearly everything wrong, and then was subsequently picked up by AV Club.

Slightly off-topic, but: #CancelLukeNull

“Pick It Up!”

I’m not a fan of this guy but I really don’t know why he got fired. He giggled. Big whoop. I’ve giggled in awkward situations where I can’t say the truth or roll my eyes.

Drab realism isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it really depends on the characters and the story you want to tell. (aka, not EVERYTHING is Batman)

A man walks into a bar, and sits down. He starts a conversation with an old guy next to him. The old guy has obviously had a few. He says to the man:

This is a garbage hitpiece. I thought the AV Club had better editing/research standards than this.