
It’s less about the show (although it’s exactly the kind of mainstream, lowest-common-denominator show that does not appeal to this site’s demographic), and more about the fact that this site has gone from providing thoughtful, insightful reviews to this kind of Buzzfeed-esque clickbait.

Do you really think that men face as much harassment as women online? Honestly?

He’ll cast Maori actors instead.

I, for one, am furious that this comedian known primarily for singing with other famous people did not accost a man who is no longer part of the President’s administration with outrage and a refusal to be friendly. What a monster.

I don’t have a problem with Spicer mocking Trump’s lying and egomania.

Correction: AV Club continues to raise unsubstantiated allegations at every opportunity, a movie does not.

Kinja deals are getting worse all the time.

Kinja deals are getting worse all the time.



This site revamp is the Iron Fist of site revamps.

Seeing this awful formatting in the TV Club section kills me most.

Is there an equivalent to the ‘All Recent’ link somewhere?

There’s only 88 posts at the time of posting this and two things pop out immediately