
I disagree with her in that she regularly disregards anything that runs counter to her narrative and when people engage her respectfully, she doesn't engage. Some of her points make sense, most don't. Either way, the best way to combat a point you disagree with is to belittle the OP with facts and information to

Agreed. Even though she is perpetually wrong, when you engage someone to take down an inane point, you do so by pointing out all the situations where her narrative is false. You don't threaten to rape/murder her.

Could he have meant "porky" in the political sense? Like the late Robert Byrd was the king of pork barrel legislation bringing disproportionately more money to WV than any other congressman.

Agreed, but in terms of relative offense (ie touching the most victims), it goes prison rape jokes, regularly rape jokes, and then raping inanimate object jokes. Then again, someone must speak up for inanimate objects because they can't speak up themselves.

Fighter Jets have flux capacitors? Heavy...

It's substantially less offensive than talking about it in reference to people.

I think you are giving a lot of credit to an admitted rapist.

You don't even need to test it. If you go gun firing, you can feel the grime and smell the cordite on your hands until you scrub them really well.

No, but they have double the opportunity to find someone attractive.

Thanks. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am a Formula One racecar driver. I have never and don't ever plan on driving a Formula One car because I am monogamous with my scooter, but I just wanted you to know.

It could definitely be threatening. You previously only had to compete with 50% of the population. Now you have to compete with 100%. That double the amount of competition.

Hey guys, I want to tell you about this thing I feel, but never ever plan on acting on just so you can think more or less of me than you do now depending on how open you are about these sort of things!

I do really love home improvement projects and have previous experience in waterscapes.

Where do I meet black men and women who enjoy ice hockey in the US? Or skiing? Or watersports (not the sexual kind)? These are my main leisure activities. Is there a website or something?

I just want to be like, Sweetie, I love you, but:

Or they should have had someone who knew him give a eulogy. That would have been more powerful. Everything Sharpton does has a sleazy aura around it.

I am sure 98% of Kardashian fans have no idea where Armenia is located. Also, its not like they would have caught hell growing up as LA if filled with Persians and Armenians. The treatment of Islamic people may have an argument, if they were Muslim, but they aren't.

Righteous anger belongs to everyone, but looting and rioting isn't the appropriate expression of said anger. That is what I took from the eulogy.

They have a history of being wrong. There is nothing legit about them. Sending lots of emails and overloading servers isn't even hacking.

All of the groups you named are still Caucasian. I am confused.