
Anonymous is busy doxxing the wrong guy's step-mom.

Thinking someone else is going to die isn't prophesying your own death. Especially, when you have someone who has to repeat the story, then cater it to the situation.

This seems redundant as almost 100% of date rape uses alcohol, which the victim is knowingly imbibing.

He may not be rich, but if he is a homeowner, they can gut him and take money from future earnings.

Manslaughter usually implies that the person wasn't motivated to kill someone. So it isn't that hard to think they aren't a bad person.

They convicted. What are you freaking out about? You are angry that potentially sending someone to prison for life wasn't an easy feeling for some people? As an intern I used to watch court cases pretty regularly. Some juries would be emotional even when there was no chance the guy didn't do it.

Wait, are you angry because she called Armenians white? Or Kardashians rich and stupid? All of these things are true.

I'd much rather them become so horrible that people quit and leave and they dissolve. Then we wouldn't have to worry about them.

Religions quashing rights is far different the voluntarily submitting. I don't really give a darn about internal religious politics.

Honestly, if women join a religion that treats them like shit, power to them. I wouldn't join, I wouldn't recommend it, but this isn't like dating a boyfriend who turns out to be abusive, you find out about dumb church doctrine before hand (this rant doesn't apply to children). In terms of discrimination that matters,

Pussified would fall under protected class. Cowardly, weak, incompetent, and soft are legally okay replacements.

Thanks, when I see abuse, I think hitting people, but if he is just a jerk, that is less worse, but still bad.

I was under the impression you were allowed to be a verbally abusive asshole boss as long as you don't touch on protected issues like race or sexuality. I don't support any of the behavior, but I just did a training at work that was basically the horrible thing you can say without violating protected statuses. For

So he is an asshole or is he doing something illegal?

Maybe currently, but using danger close fire missions in populated areas so you don't have to use bullets isn't exactly much difference. Also, there were quite a few free fire zones at the beginning of Iraq.

How big are the thighs? That is a major factor, also, it depends on pants tightness, alignment, etc. I posit that the larger one gets, the easy it is to leg slide it instead of a middle position.

As an averagely gifted guy, I can't touch my thighs together when sitting without a heavy amount of readjustment. It isn't possible. Readjusting in public can be construed in the wrong way. The original picture in the article is a crazy spread, but her two twitter posts seem just about right for the average person.

Maybe its the most unreported crime.

Quit womansplaining man stuff. I don't try and tell you how to ovulate.

Maybe he has a prodigious package.