
Twombley or Captain America would totally mess it up though.

I just re-watched Generation Kill and it seems like this would have helped given all the civilians that got shot.

The reason it was controversial is really weird though, when the second option for crowd control was bullets.

To be clear, they mean most legal guns, not just guns period.

I mean its odd because I don't think they would have much in common, but maybe they like being successful and well liked. Those are pretty good commonalities.

Someone with ultra rich (extended) family here, you don't need a beard when you are his level of rich. At that point, you can literally do pretty much anything (below felony level) and be fine.

I am going with ease of access to adult films and their ability to replace women (for lazy anti-social teen boys). You used to have to go out and meet someone to get/see some of the things that are now available at your fingertips (pun intended). Now kids can cut out half of the equation.

You just need to search a little deeper on the internet. There are devices with locks that will let you go out.

To be fair, baguettes are always asking for it.

It would have been in .GIF form, but they aren't working for me.

So Malik Gill is rapey for providing underage people drinks or rapey for not providing underage people drinks? You said either way he sounds rapey. How am I supposed to feel?

To be clear, it was a Moses riding a dinosaur joke.

"You know, back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth."

Sorry to hear about your childhood. I always saw "Gender as social construct" on Jez and thought they meant the version that had been explained to me. It always confused me because it basically invalidates a lot of people's life/lifestyles if only to advance some of the more extreme claims of feminism. Thanks for the

That seems more viable than the other "social construct" theories I have heard. Thanks for the explanation.

My understanding of "gender is a social construct" is the belief that because your parents bought you (collective, not specifically you Kat) truck instead of dolls, you identify as a boy and so on. Basically humans are born "tabula rasa" with a blank slate and gender is projected onto you. I don't really buy into

Nope. You must be projecting. Since you are a hand to hand combat specialist, I would assume most people you'd deal with would be lowlifes. Normal people don't go around knifing others.

Kat, when it comes to gender and orientation, are you philosophically, a social constructionist, biological determinist, darmwinian evolutionist, or something different?

Yeah, I don't plan on taking a pay cut and worse benefits to have to deal with lowlifes (and sometimes just people). Since you are basically Jean Claude Van Damme, you may want to look into a career in law enforcement. You can save degenerates, one violent encounter at a time.

No, I don't think you should exterminate anyone, but on the off chance that a crazy person does something crazy and violent where a not crazy person could end up dead, I don't get super weepy when the not crazy person defends themselves.