
Agreed! I mean seriously, Montauk? Did your private car break down before you could make it to East Hampton?

"You know, the kind of person you'd fight to sit with a dinner party."

So do they not have water because they didn't pay their bills?

You explaining the video I have already watched isn't going to make me decide one way or the other. I have no idea what the average abuse situation is like so I can't determine which end of the spectrum this would be on.

I am not sure. You would have to canvas abuse victims or abusers to see what would constitute the occasional smack.

Its easy. You have no money or career prospects. You weigh the occasional smack with never having to work again. Unfortunately, this went public and now the money is going to dry up quickly.

Apparently nothing is important as they aren't tracking this guy down.

Bud Ice. Wildcat. Icehouse. Steel Reserve.

I believe the players union would need to go to bat for Rice. That is unlikely as who wants to be on the side of a guy who beats his wife.

Actually, it is part of the Union Agreement between the players and owners.

"OK, while I've had a customer ask for and then gleefully drink multiple rounds of a Yuengling with grenadine and a straw in it (I can't even), I've never seen someone ask for the black-and-tan of wines. That's...that's new."

"his two buddies killed out of self defense"

Is "loyal" a euphemism for accessory to murder after the fact?

Domestic abuse apologist.

Yes, to white people.

Well when they are sitting her down on a huge pile of money, thinking becomes hard.

If my "role" was battered wife, I would regret that too.

#notallcops, but #yesallunions

That isn't a really great endorsement. According to Hitler's office aides and assistants, he was always nice and remembered names and birthdays.