
I doubt that this stuff is as rare as they say. It just takes time to spool up new production and that will happen when it makes financial sense.

And no matter how detailed that image is, it won't be able to capture the unique aroma of the Budapest subway.

@jamesshultz: Brutal Legend sold 1.14 million copies, all told. I wouldn't say that's exactly a flop.

I wonder when 2K will be bought by Activision to really bring about the videogame developer apocalypse.

I've used a combination of drip irrigation and soaker hoses in my garden. I enthusiastically recommend this site: [] to get your stuff. They have everything you'd need to get a system like this up and running. With it set up on a timer, I never had to water my garden.

@Kaiser-Machead: This is sound advice for any set. Lego have HUGE set turnover. If you want it, buy it right then. Only the really unpopular sets go on sale.

Maybe not the smartest move on their part to have a fat flash application on the splash page.

I suspect this shall do for Xcom what Episode 1 did for Star Wars. Brace for suckage impact!

@ShazBo: Some people like eating soup stock before you add anything interesing to it...

@Dancing Milkcarton: Please click on "Show featured discussions only" at the bottom of the page to be protected from my inflammatory statements.

Apple customers need to be protected from the world and themselves. That's why they bought Apple products to begin with.

Boycott BP?

That iPad shouldn't have worn white. I heard stories about what that guy did to it before the wedding ifyouknowwhatImean.

A green option for AuDi-bags? Color me impressed! Now they can reduce their carbon footprint while tailgating in the slow lane or not using their turn signals.

@Lite: hates Illinois Nazis: MM is a good pin. I prefer it to TZ. Attack from Mars is my favorite though, but any Brian Eddy pin is awesome. Rarity isn't exactly corollary with game quality. Also, I know quite a few "pinball fanatics" and they like MM just fine. Please pop your head back under the MM playfield so

@anabbeynormality: I do too and so does my coworker! I wish they had that game here!

@NPC: Like Bernie Madoff who was poor and had terrible credit before he started his ponzie scheme.

@Mobius: Agility, I mean. Yeah. I've been playing WAY more D&D than WoW lately.

@Invisible-Echidna: They both like gear with high dex so there's some competition. Now that rogues can use axes, hunters can't claim all axes with high dex as a "hunter item."