
How do you guys feel about Crystal Castles?

House on the Rock at the Wisconsin Dells has a huge collection of these sorts of things too. I loved going there as a child.

The more mainstream people who express that they enjoy video games, the better. Maybe video games will stop being the scapegoat for everything that is wrong with children or society. Please stop demonizing Matthew Perry. He likes cool games and I bet anyone here would enjoy hanging out with the guy if he's as into

I'd love a Sim Vault game (Or a Sim Rapture game). LOVE LOVE LOVE.

PC version, constant crashing/errors. Crazy graphical problems. I've had saved games totally corrupted. Playing the game is a constant struggle. The patch didn't help my problems at all, unfortunately.

I remember seeing a Beatles arcade game in the 80's. It was like a platformer with flying instruments. I wish I could remember what it was called specifically.

By large margins, Grim Fandango is my favorite game of all time. This certainly is an unexpected treat. Thank you, Mr. Schafer, for this gift.

It doesn't come out for a long time so if I get buyer's remorse, I can cancel it before then.

All they actually care about anymore is more Star Wars regurgitation. You have to look to Telltale if you want any decent point-click love these days.

The original can be enjoyed on Gametap right now which is where I learned of and played it.

Oh, glorious day of days! This is fantastic news!

I read video game news every day... and this is the first piece of news in a long time that gave me butterflies in my stomach. I'd love for this to become a reality.

Ahh. I see they linked the technique I was suggesting at the end there. Disregard!

I've tried these techniques before without effect. One technique that DID work was to push on the affected area with a pencil eraser with moderate pressure then release. I fixed 2 different LCD monitors this way.

I have a perfect plan. I'm going to display a brand new product but surround it with cloth wrapped poles so no one can get a decent, unobstructed view of the product. It will create a feeling of mystery. Everyone loves mystery.

Bub Rubb sheds a tear at this news:

That is some Tonka truck! I bet the owner got ribbed for working at a Mercedes place without driving one so had to resort to extreme measures to placate coworkers.

You know what would have made that ad even better? Yakety Sax. Way better.

My buddy in St. Paul, Minnesota lives next door to a car repair place. I was walking past it to my friend's place and the car being worked on in the open garage doors made me stop in my tracks. It was a replica of the car from Mad Max 2, with the tanks and everything. I stood there staring at it completely