
The thing is, I would really, really not care about people with too much money wasting their money on fantasy treatments. But it seems these hings slowly make their way into the mainstream, and I have to have discussions with people about anti-anxiety stockers and why, NO, I don’t think they’ll fix my anxiety, and NO,

Dear Lifehacker,

Worse. So, so much worse. The Secretary was sexy. This is not. People might have some discussions about whether the relationship in The Secretary was a bit creepy. This is clearly abuse.

To me that story was used as a test, anyone who thought of it as romantic, woman or man you ran far far away

I guess I shouldn’t judge, I read a fair amount of Anne Rice as a kid.

Any relationship that begins with a sparkle vampire breaking into a teenage girl’s bedroom to watch her sleep is, shockingly, not going to get any LESS gross over time.

Spoilers! The relationship continues to be super abusive, and the lead characters continue to be awful. Now with a baby at the end, to reinforce a bit of heterosexual domesticity and balance out all that naughty hardcore XXX spanking.

You have several options for other curse words to use, but you choose the N-word. That really says something about your character. One of these days, you’re gonna slip with the N-word in public while surrounded by minorities.

Anyone who casually says “go take your sandy vag” simply CANNOT be a sleazy dude. You don’t come off that way AT ALL with your casual racism and willful ignorance against the history of a word.

What ? You think its perfectly fine for a developer to allow their work to be associated with a racist ? You’re a pretty messed up individual yourself aren’t ya ?

This wasn’t said “in private”....

This, right here, is the important part. Kjellberg’s reach/ability to influence his audience is the primary reason why he has to be even more responsible for his words and actions (on stream, anyway; I’m not going to bang on about the guy’s private life).

From what I understand, a sizeable percentage of his fanbase is

Unless I missed something, this isn’t an abuse of the DMCA. You may not like the way it’s being used, and you would be free to make an argument for why the law is bad or should be changed, but calling it abuse seems like a legal assertion that doesn’t hold water.

B-b-b-but it was just a “heated gaming moment.”

The dude that had no idea that nazis were bad is using the n-word casually? You don’t say. I wonder how many YouTube personalities will rally to him this time? And I wonder if they’re rallying because they have the same beliefs as this racist that claims he isn’t?

I wonder what the phenomenon is called that whenever a tv show, movie, actor, singer etc. warrants a stand alone post, some commenters feel the need to rush online and declare how much said tv show, movie, actor, singer totally sucks. It’s like (attention seeking) clockwork.

I’m really curious to see how Sunny is going to end, what with the really weird ending to last season. Honestly, I think it should have ended after season 7.

And they wonder why even those who have had great success on network TV, like Shonda Rhimes, don’t want to deal with them anymore.

Because of Mindy Kaling’s work on the office, I really wanted to like this show but I could never get into it. I no longer have any patience for shows that with horrible people as protagonists but don’t acknowledge it. I love It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia because it’s super aware that The Gang are the worst. I get

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Julien Baker really is an amazing artist. Everybody should check out her other live perfomances (She’s on Spotify, too). This is one my favorite perfomances from her: