

I got a cat! Itā€™s my very first pet of my own (not my parents). Sheā€™s feisty and sassy and fun and extra cuddly in the mornings.

My slow-as-hell, very much a WIP giant embroidery hoop! Iā€™ll be glad as fuck when this thing is done. (but also kind of loving working on it)

Have you thought about a Bojack Horseman themed one?

ā€œBetterā€ looking?

To be fair, she did say this. But I honestly donā€™t know what it actually means:

Which, ironically is more feminist than calling someone a ho. Iā€™d never call someone a ho and love when women unapologetically post pics cuz they like the way they look. So yea

also,Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s so feminist about dragging Christina Aguila every chance you can because your grown ass daughter had beef with her in 2003.

I donā€™t understand why the sex/body positive discussion is so polarizing. Most of the discussion is either ā€œstop being a naked whore, you naked whoreā€ or ā€œhow dare you criticize the sex industry because all the women want to be there.ā€ I just find it baffling that there is no nuance in this discussions.

Oh Sharon, why? Why Sharon!?!

Iā€™m on Team KKW on this one. She is all about herself and her looks and clothes and publicity and money, and always has been. She doesnā€™t have any agenda beyond staying rich and famous and attractive. Ā 

The guy who plays Pennywise DOES NOT look like Pennywise in real life!

At least games with no end state have some kind of score attached to them. So you were trying to always get the best score, time, number or items, etc before you failed.

Same guy used to lock the big gate surrounding my fenced in area of the warehouse, even though they took out a 10 foot chuck of fence right beside the gate....

Whenever I hear that name, I think of my warehouse manager. Guy was charging a forklift, and had to use two extension cords. Heā€™d plug on end into the wall, connect the second, then take the end to the lift. Heā€™d get a foot or two away, and theyā€™d come apart in the middle, so heā€™d walk all the way back, reconnectā€¦

This needs more stars and attention. Kotaku tends to glamourize the sex industry, but added revenue means more demand for these slaves. This is the number one reason Iā€™d ask them to stop. The sex industry is a dark and nasty place.

I think youā€™re absolutely right. This is a huge problem with porn. How do you know who is being forced into these things? How do you know when a vid or cam is a part of the sex slave trade or not? It might not be as obvious as you think. If youā€™ve looked at porn, thereā€™s a good chance you watched someone who wasā€¦

There are actually quite a few adult stars on twitch these days. I suppose itā€™s still good money, and great cross promotion.

The creative thought was being the first one to do it.