
Hey, I know you’re a tv reviewer and not a lawyer, but I am. I’ll happily offer my services pro bono to help you avoid saying things like “biased the judge” (it was the jury that might have been biased, not the judge, and the jury decides the case) or “sue for body discrimination” (which is totally not a thing) in the

Some women, sure. Not in my office, home, or any bar I go to. It was very much a caricature of “asshole men” except for Bruce, who they even made Man-splain hulkness for most of the episode.

As a guy, especially one who hit puberty a little early and has always been bulky, it’s ridiculous to assert that men don’t have to control their anger.

Answer: No. No, it was not. 

I was very happy with this finale. As uneven as the show was, Danielle Rose Russell was a freaking phenom. The last few minutes from the time Caroline showed up until the end had me veklempt.

My office building definitely has tighter security than the Fortress Inquisitorius, or whatever it’s called. Threatening to talk to the boss is just asking to be locked in a room while they call the police (who never show).

It’s a trade off. They can’t realistically write sneaking into a fortress but they want Obi-wan sneaking through halls in Jedi clothes deflecting blaster bolts, so they do it anyway. There’s no reason that lady’s cover should have been intact after she mowed down her own squad and went MIA, but they needed someone to

I know I’m late to the party, but I just watched this ep and I was shaken. Zendaya was TERRIFYING in that initial scene.I can’t remember the last time I was so shaken by a single performance. My god, the lady is so talented.

Nothing will ever beat that season 2 trailer set to Heart Shaped Box.

I just finished and, while I enjoyed the ride, I ultimately felt underwhelmed by the finale. The Byrds, for all their amoral bullshit, get away with everything right down to Wendy having her own brother killed. I couldn’t tell if this was supposed to be commentary on the class system in the U.S. or just someone’s wet

Smith was clearly willing to laugh it off until he saw the look on his wife’s face, which said “you just gonna let him talk to me like that?”

Had just adjusted my glasses and cleared my throat to say this. 

This is disappointing to hear.

Pleeeeeease don’t go, Legends! You are on a network that renewed Supernatural for 15 seasons!

Isn’t it pretty obvious that the Lissons are behind the cycle ninjas? They only attacked after Jesse complained to them that he couldn’t take over until Eli died, and then multiple assassination attempts on Eli followed. They see Eli as a mark, but need Eli out of the way.

I was enjoying your review until it referenced that ridiculous article. What a freaking joke.

I didn’t get it at first either. I was too stuck in the “wtf what kids live like this?” About halfway through s1 it kinda clicked.

And now he’s as big as Jason Momoa!

I think the new canon is that the Empire didn’t just vanish after the Emperor died. There were various factions that retained control over large areas, and it wasn’t until the Battle of Jakku that the remaining imperial fleet was crippled to the point that the Rebels were able to establish a functioning government.

Man, Vigilante really stole the show in this ep. Guy was so good in the jail scenes that I peeked up from my phone and just kind of grinned for a few minutes while watching him insult the fuck out of the white supremecists. That was golden.