Moses MacMeaty

Snakes On A Train!

Your tears were sweet. At least you tried!

Doesn't he run like a Welshman? Doesn't he?


U2: one of the best bands of the '80s; one of the worst bands thereafter.

Nah - score a BAG as soon as possible.

Hey, how come my weed doesn't have any money coming from it…? Wait - is THAT why they call it "green?"

@ FLB: Suck it - it's a funny gag. I was gonna start this thread if nobody else had jumped on it. I could watch that clip a million times!


Ewwwww…. Capped the hell outa' this thread. Fo sho. Fo sho.

1) Yeeks.

Yeah, lately it's a race to the fucking bottom among formerly respectable news outlets.

The only thing I know for certain is that Family Guy makes a lot of vaginas sore on this board!

What's great is the publisher named "Objective". What's in a name? Whatever you THINK is in a name, silly.

Thats just too for words.


Worse yet…
They picket this off AP and ran it w/o mods. That's even failier then making this shit up out of whole cloth…

If you're using MSIE 8 as your browser, make sure you post in "Compatability View".

Their job at Kinko's prolly cuts into production time…

Samantha who?