Moses MacMeaty

Well, retire from American Idol. This is a different show, and also it already happened, so he can't go back and retire from it…. Oh, God, FML…..

Bendix ftw!

The Fixer is the most embarrassingly floppy shriek I can imagine a formerly-good band could ever produce.

I think Tosh is funny. He makes me laugh, and I don't typically see the clips he shows before he shows them unless they've appeared here in Videocracy. He enhances the show in ways that other hosts have not.

"…silently watching Sex And The City in rapt silence…"

When you sit like that, your irony hangs out.

It'll be fine. They need a couple episodes to find their footing again, just like anything [re-] gaining momentum.

Yes, small, Nazi biplanes.

Edgier means you can sound your pee hole with the sword.

Well… But… The thing is, YES!

I never wanted to get pounded in the ass until I saw WBC's sad, sad, hatey video.

Then you're a big fishstick.

^…is what a Famous Bowl is, actually.^

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BLEW IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

No; like a mollusk. Those are arthropods.

No; like a mollusk. Those are arthropods.

He said I was pretty, then he didn't pull out… =^(

In the '80s, nobody had a penis.

I've seen this flick 3 times now [not in theaters], and up until reading this, I was completely unaware that there was a truncated version at all. Are all the DVD versions intact, or have I been seeing "director's cuts" or something?

Your indian name is now "Posts With Fist."