
Yeah, like 99% of those songs nobody would be able to identify, I'm sorry.

Plus, Ice Cube from '88-'96 put together one of the finest runs in Hip-HOp history

And plenty of Black artists 80 years ago chose to tapdance and wear Blackface to appeal to White audiences, because they knew it would sell.

You're not a Hip-Hop head.

*stands and claps*

Eh, I'm talking about influence and hits. Those groups, while talented aren't really trailblazers.

You don't think having an ass-based career after being a fairly respectable battle MC is debasement?

The Bellas sandbagged her., especially Nikki, it appeared.

Exactly, right?

It's the worst.

I'm a huge Naomi mark. She has a ton of amazing moves from a great split-legged moonsault to a head-scissors DDT, but the WWE obviously only want the Black girl focused on her "ass-based" offense, where she finishes people with her "big Black butt" and then shakes it to that awful, cheezy '70s funk music theme she has.

Oh most def, but Vince and those guys are really big on guys who are loyal and dependable. Guys like Taker and Kane and Shawn he respects for never leaving him for WCW in the '90s.

Add in that Snoop Dogg is her cousin and the next thing you know that she'll be doing duets with R-Truth and have a "stealing" gimmick

Well, the guys in the top of the card are the legitimate "stars". Midcard guys are just kind of indispensable.

I don't know. She has a headscissor DDT that is awesome, but I think she only did it a few times as a finisher.

You see, "Diva Search" is coming back, right?

I know for a fact that Kane is one of the most dependable and beloved superstars in the back of all-time. Mick Foley called him the kindest man he's ever met in the business and he's wrestled the most matches on TV of any "superstar" in history. I think he's at around 1,000 televised matches, which is insane because

Yes, I love Steph. She is the best heel in the business.

Jimmy Chamberlin is a fuckin' monster.

Meh, other than the Bizkit, Blink, and Creed, I'm okay with this list.