
Bout time.

I think he's in semi-retirement.

CFO$ has some bangers now.


Ha, there used to be a Michael Jackson who used to play for Georgetown B-Ball back in the day when they had Patrick Ewing and I used to be like, "C'mon dude, change your name".


If it's yellow, be mellow.
If it's Brown, flush it down.


Now THIS is the one that genuinely pisses me off.

"Inside My Love" and a ton of other Minnie Ripperton songs should make up for that.

Not really, 90% of Raws have been Ds this year.

Yeah, it's been pointed out before that Steph has always been a big detriment to the "Divas" because she's such a mark for herself. She never let any of them go over on her, like her father used to do with Austin/Foley

Meh, I'm a fan of it.

Ugh, it's already dead to me.

It has got to be completely wrong that I laughed pretty hard at this.

I love that shit.

I used to love that guy on Current TV

Yeah, my sister unfortunately had her husband arrested for DV about 10 years back and the arresting officer started having a discussion with my brother in law about how "all the laws are for the women now" and she told me that he actually apologized to him for the "inconvenience".

Yeah, but you said that the parents knew you and the situation.

Wait, you thought Dr. Dre writes lyrics?