
I'm a troll?

Yeah, reputations and careers and lives aren't destroyed by rape accusations. GTFOH

And you're just another social justice warrior mistakenly believing that making reckless and irresponsible claims of rape is the same thing as "protecting women". Better to falsely accuse 50 men of rape if it means we get 1 actual rapist.

Go study "innocent until proven guilty" university, jerkass.

Yeah, he REALLY should get a World title reign too before he retires.

No, I didn't I never said the guy was guilty or innocent. I said YOU don't know whether he is, so calling him a rapist is unscrupulous. I don't have proof he is or isn't, therefore I don't say he is or isn't.

I know, Kane's just a . . I don't even know how to describe dude. He might be the most dependable "superstar" ever. At the end of last year, they said dude had celebrated his 1000th televised match for WWE or something like that. That is insane. They should give him a gold watch when he's gone.

Yeah, because I could accuse you of being a child molester and that doesn't make it true.

And all those guys failed eventually, except Kane.

So. . . . what does that prove?

Great to see due process doesn't matter on A.V. Club

It was awful

Because most of these people are nerds who can't physically compete, but hold out hope that they can play an instrument or act or do something that doesn't require them to be physical to be in the same position that these athletes they're mocking are in.

He was convicted of rape, when?

The fans have always killed guys though. Like I said, Roman Reign's greatest example has to be his cousin, The Rock. The WWE tried to force "Rocky Miavia", a face on all of us and the fans roundly rejected him and shouted "Die Rocky Die" at him. That was like '96/'97.

But wrestling has always been an interactive sport.

Wowww, no wonder Vince loved her so much.

Exactly, that's the stupid thing about the McMahons.

He's made the unforgivable sin of "getting over" on his own.

It's Randy Orton . . . . you're welcome