

Vince is why I stopped watching for like 14 years.

Yeah, but the bad guys go to jail there and it's not like they're "good guys" who are killing women.

They did let Vickie guerrero get her back and throw her in the "shit" (chocolate pudding) on her last day last year.

I disagree, Nikki Bella can go. I don't know what the hell Cena has done with her the past 6 mos or so, but she has turned into a hell of a hoss with a devastating finisher "Rack Attack".

@oldirtybaron:disqus @robgrizzly:disqus

Yeah, that Nakamura/Ibushi fight they showed last week was killer

@oldirtybaron:disqus Nah, he was doing the job the Bryan started off with earlier, which is using credible people to prop up this crumbling house.

Wait, why?

yup, that's who I've compared McMahon to, but instead of an ailing Al Davis, you have Vince McMahon who at 70 is in better shape than me, who's like 40 years younger.

That's why they ruined it by having him lose to Lesnar last year.

It means that she grew up half a White girl in mentality and and as a guy who has cousins who's mom is White, there's definitely a difference in our mentalities, even though they've probably faced MORE overt prejudice than I have because they're around White people a lot more than me, who have called them all kinds of

Yeah, I'm being sarcastic about this new social media world we live in where we have to pretend that being a bad person makes you untalented.

Yeah, but having a White father means that those discussions are probably tempered. We don't talk the same way around White folks as we do each other. That's a fact and also, if she had the type of mom who would marry a White dude, it's pretty obvious she wasn't necessarily as "racial" as a lot of us.

I care about this show. I've watched every episode

Meh, it's the 21st century, we're not allowed to separate art from artist today, now we have to act like art is inherently tainted by it's creator as if, The Beatles, Stones, James Brown, Elvis, etc. . . weren't ALL horrible people.

That's not what the review's sayin.

By all accounts, Lorne is pretty petty

Exactly, there hasn't been a comedian the past 50 years who owned society the way Eddie Murphy did in the '80s. Dude was a legit rock star.

The correct answer to this thread is . . .Eddie Murphy being remotely funny.