I wanted to do this but you can’t get one with a stick and my old beater civic was down waiting on parts so I just got a ‘14 accord 6spd, put some pilot super sports on it, added some rolls of particular sound deadening and put a nice sound system in it, but it appears to be 100% stock besides the tires are so grippy.…
Up vote for the Lexus! I have a 2007 Lexus ES350 that I puchased about 6 months ago (less than 50k miles!). I get 34-36mpg (every single time!) commuting between Colo Springs and Denver every day — driving the speed limit (75mph) the entire way.
Mistake? MISTAKE? You’re kidding right? Mistake is 9 out of 10 on a quiz for confusing El Salvador and Guatemala. Mistake is getting off on the wrong exit because you misread exit 241 as exit 214. Those are mistakes.
What is there to realize?
It’s narcissistic to think that you don’t have to listen to reason when voting, but everyone has to listen to you when you say you’re sorry.
5 over in a 65 is a mistake. Electing Trump and being unhappy when he starts doing the things he and his party have spent years telling you they want to do is unforgivable.
they only had like 18 FUCKING months to figure this shit out.
so, it’s not a mistake. it’s a carefully, well-thought out execution.
How is it a ‘mistake’ to have voted for t***p? He really wasn’t an unknown quantity. If you can say anything ‘positive’ about him it could be he doesn’t hide what he is. No voter can claim to have mistakenly voted for him thinking he was really an honest, thoughtful person who wanted to help bring this country…
Forgiveness is a gift and not everyone deserves that gift.
You’re repeating greeting card wisdom and applying it people’s lives and you’re vision is myopic. Your wisdom also neglects severity. You also killed your own argument: “But, if they truly stop trying to fool you”. Read the article. The people expressing regret over Trump say they would still vote for him.
I’ve said this since he was elected; the people who voted for him and against their own self interest deserve all the misery that comes their way, actions have consequences.
Are you equating spilling someones Starbucks on them to stripping people of their rights and saying “OOPSIE” ? Because that’s what it sounds like.
Certainly if there’s anything we see time and again it’s bad karma for oppressors and good karma for the oppressed. /s
This wasn’t a mistake. This was a choice. They clearly laid out what they were going to do and others spoke up and said that Trump is dangerous.
Amen, brother.
This is an honestly interesting car where theyve done most things that so many 124 fans would like but theyve made it just unique and expensive enough to not justify itself. The amg bumper is a solid look and its got plenty of life, but this will never be a concours car.
Updated to the late 1991+ interior? Check!
Heated seats? Check!
5 speed (most sticks are 4)? Check!
No ASR? Check!
Price.... I have to agree with ThatGuyWhoBuysUnreliableCrap.... just a bit too high.