
I'm just gonna say it - people this old, having kids this young, is just weird and/or selfish.

It is one of the worst book-to-movie adaptations ever.

Somebody made a movie titled The Chumscrubber?? And it isn't about porno theater attendants who have to clean up after some of the more, er, "enthusiastic" audience members?

I have read a few articles and reviews regarding this movie, and I gotta say, I don't get it (the popularity of this flick.) I'm not trying to go against the grain here; I watched it because I wanted to like it, horror being probably my overall favorite genre, and that's what this was classified as, a horror flick,

Is anyone else as sick as I am of seeing "braying donkey" pics of Jerry Seinfeld's damn face? Jesus…

Green Room: Most Incredibly Over-Hyped Movie Of 2016. Only reason to see it is to observe the horror that is Imogen Poots' haircut.

Agreed. I wanted to put my fist through the frickin' TV while watching those opening credits…

I'm a pretty big fan of almost everything King wrote prior to 1987's The Tommyknockers. Since then he has, in my opinion, been very hit and miss, with way more misses than hits. Cell, unfortunately, falls into this category. It had a reasonably strong premise but, like a lot of King's later stuff, got stupid in a

The Punisher is a character who should never have been part of the Marvel universe. I always found it absurd for him to be interacting with out-and-out superheroes (mutants and the like), any of whom could have demolished the guy in five seconds if they so chose to (and they wouldn't necessarily have been unjustified

Christ…how is it that he is still using "Kid" in his name? Look at this guy…

Oops, so you did…my mistake!

The game had its faults for sure, and I hope they fix most, hopefully ALL, of the game-play issues. I think you are definitely in the minority in referring to the story as "dull" though…

That wasn't in the prison. They were in a house somewhere.

I am not involved in the video game industry at all, so take my comments with a grain of salt…

I'll never understand people who get this frickin' bent out of shape about a video game. Maybe it's because, at almost 42, I am too damn tired much of the time to waste that much energy on something like that (getting mad at entertainment.)

Please AV Club, for your next comedy special review, do Joe Rogan: Triggered. For the simple reason that I am hoping you have some insider information and can explain exactly how the fuck that guy keeps being allowed to perform (and recorded, and broadcast) doing "comedy"…

I know that The Blair Witch Project wasn't mentioned in the list, but it has been touched on by several commenters, so I think I will add my two cents regarding that particular flick. I have long held a theory that people who don't find that movie at least a little bit scary (if not outright terrifying) are people who

Absolutely. I feel the same about the original Star Wars trilogy, as well as Alien and Aliens. Those models of spaceships (star destroyers, the Nostromo, etc.,) look amazing, and much better than most CGI renderings I have seen…

As a huge fan of the movie, I was stoked when I saw that this game had been made/released for PC, at plus or minus the same time as I bought my first PC in 2002. As much as I didn't care for keyboard-'n-mousing my way through the action, I enjoyed the game, got right to the very end (final boss fight)…and the game

+1 for 28 Weeks Later, a sequel that, in my mind, didn't necessarily surpass the original but probably equaled it, or at least came damn close to doing so. If I have one complaint about this movie, it's that it is so damn short, not even quite 1.5 hours I think? I wish they had been just a little more ambitious in