
100% agreed. Can't understand why this flick didn't get more love at the time it was released. Rutger Hauer is amazing in it, and C. Thomas Howell portrayed "scared young dude" pretty good too.

Big John Carpenter fan here. It pains me to say it, but I have never understood the fuss about Halloween. To be fair, I didn't get around to watching that movie until, I want to say, somewhere between 2000 and 2005, at which point it had been thoroughly built up for me, due in large part to his other films,

On my list of bands/music I just can't handle, bands with names consisting of "random word paired with random number" are pretty much at the top:

Agreed RE: The Godfather.

As an unabashed John Carpenter fan (well, of his "Apocalypse Trilogy"* at least), it pains me to say it, but I have never seen what's so wonderful about Halloween. It seems to be considered a masterpiece, if not the masterpiece, of the slasher genre, but I dunno…when I finally got around to watching it (sometime in

Kind of a big oversight RE: Deep Purple Mark III (Blackmore/Paice/Lord/Coverdale/Hughes) - Glenn Hughes not only came in as bassist, but basically as co-lead vocalist alongside Coverdale. Many people (myself included) consider him to be the better singer of the two…

First a RR with Paul Reiser where they don't ask him about playing Burke in Aliens, and now one with Richard Masur where they don't touch on his role in The Thing…you're really dropping the ball, AV Club…

Yeah, she did: she got twelve years in prison for it, assuming you're talking about the Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo case. One of the girls that she helped him kill was her own younger sister (she helped him drug her into unconsciousness so that he could rape her; the girl ended up vomiting while passed out, and

I watched Dear Zachary several months ago. As someone born, raised, and still living in Canada, and a news hound to boot, I can sadly attest to the woeful incompetence and glacial pacing of Canada's so-called "justice" system. And this is from someone who has never been directly involved with the system…I can only

Given the amount of negative attention and ridicule that he is receiving over his article, perhaps Sean should have considered publishing it under a…

Very, very interesting show. One of my observations: what I was seeing in terms of body language, and at times hearing in the voices of many (though not necessarily all) of the law enforcement officials called to the stand, gave the appearance of people feeling way more guilt and having a lot more to hide than either

This guy says "I was like/he was like/so I was like…" - wwwwaayyyy too much.

"Fetty Wap"?? :-\

If I had "Drops of Jupiter" stuck in my head, I'd blow my goddamn brains out.

Goddammit, yet another writer whores out his best creation (see also: The film version of World War Z.) Annoying as hell. Really, there was NO WAY to make a Harry Bosch series by keeping the core details of the character - Vietnam vet, born in the 1950s, etc. - intact?

Haven't read this whole thread, so if it's already been discussed, my apologies. But Cormac McCarthy's The Road is - in my mind - hands down the greatest work of horror ever written. Too bad about the movie though…

Haven't read this whole thread, so if it's already been discussed, my apologies. But Cormac McCarthy's The Road is - in my mind - hands down the greatest work of horror ever written. Too bad about the movie though…

Haven't read all the comments here, but I am on board with some of you guys in that, overall, this series has become very repetitive and devoid of imagination. Basically it seems to consist of a long, repetitive arc wherein people occasionally die (fine; it's a zombie book, I expect to see death), new people are added

Haven't read all the comments here, but I am on board with some of you guys in that, overall, this series has become very repetitive and devoid of imagination. Basically it seems to consist of a long, repetitive arc wherein people occasionally die (fine; it's a zombie book, I expect to see death), new people are added

Enough 2: Enougher