I like the robot whose job is to manipulate the analog stick, very erotically I might add.
I like the robot whose job is to manipulate the analog stick, very erotically I might add.
kres is that you?
“99 programing bugs in the code
99 programming bugs
Take one down
Pass it around
137 programming bugs in the code.”
You’re new to this planet, aren’t you?
So, I’m happy for this woman, but frankly I’d rather Christians just stopped writing in “I give God 10%, why do you get 15%” and leaving tiny Bibles in place of tips. This is the real world, and you don’t get forgiven for being shitty to countless servers just because you were really really nice to one.
“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”
Without this update, you would have been male anyways if you had already bought it. Would you have been pissed at the game before this update for making you male when there was no other option?
This is the worst possible food opinion.
Nothing on there is just "upscaled" and nothing on there is "untextured".
You're daft, more cats is better.
I saw that it was a Vita game and I got more excited. I'm guessing the difference is that I own a Vita and you do not. :)
Pretty sure the fish just died.
You could just do that thing where you be smart and read the entire source article because making stupid comments
Fixed! But it was probably pooping too. Damn spider.
But one cannot ignore the hideous legs pooping up from behind Drake's left shoulder for too long.
the letter "jee"