He does if he’s a KC native.
He does if he’s a KC native.
WTF did I just watch?
Every AM radio host and suburban father will have a giant erection after watching that play. If that was David Eckstein, the collective grit-gasm would have been observable from space.
How old is Dr. James Andrews? I’m 39, and I swear to God he’s been THE sports injury guy since I was in middle school. Wouldn’t his doctoring skills deteriorate a bit after 25+ years?
It is now!
Fun read. A couple of quibbles:
Trump brought out the GOP Base Greatest Twitter Hits this morning b/c he’s getting shelled over the DACA compromise with Schumer/Pelosi. He will make this A Thing as long as the WH press corps let him.
This is not getting the love it deserves. Not unlike A.C. Green I suppose.
...and flipping his bat again LIKE A GODDAMN BOSS.
Since when does the fucking President have a say in whether a privately-employed sports broadcaster should be terminated? “I believe in free markets and limited government — unless someone says a mean thing about my boss.”
Somebody needs to get SHS a copy of the fucking GOP platform, cause she’s talking out of her…
Love the random dude yelling “WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA! YOU’RE TEAMMATES!”
Yeah man. You’re totally part of the team.
I have nothing constructive to add.
So, this is turning out like everyone expected it would, yes?
John Lackey going happy-go-jackey on the basepaths like a donkey eating a waffle. SWEET SASSY MOLASSY!
I lol’d
I’ve seen a lot of “OMG how did he miss that?!” soccer lowlights in my day (half of which feature Fernando Torres), but this is honestly the most incompetent thing I’ve ever seen on a professional soccer field.
Counterpoint: Christian Pulisic will save us all.
The real asshole in this story is Samer Kalaf, for introducing me to this piece of shit.
Thanks for writing this. I very much agree.