How is a personal choice to engage in an activity at-will and at any time for as little or as much as one chooses exploitation?
How is a personal choice to engage in an activity at-will and at any time for as little or as much as one chooses exploitation?
This is ex-gawker. If it’s about anything that threatens their champions of the social justice (such as taxi companies, evidentialy) it’s the Big Bad.
Our local governments need to start regulating these apps to insure that drivers are being paid fair wages, and that they are recouping money for the damage all these cars are doing to our roads.
Or people can not drive for them. There is that.
Its also Uber black. My commute home right now would cost $180 before surcharges. Uber black is paid pretty well.
“Your generation refused to leave the workforce,”
Remember, just because somebody spends 12 hours a day doing something doesnt mean they deserve to get paid a full-time salary for it.
Jason, I usually like the stuff you write and it’s mostly smart and funny. But lose the profanity. It doesn’t add a single bit of humor, and it’s no longer shocking or edgy. It’s just a crutch for inadequate writing. You’re much better than that.
Yes. You most definitely want a Lincoln. I have owned 2 continentals so far (RIP my first 2018, totaled with 29k miles at 10 months old.) And I’m on my second black label. I had the choice to buy a LOT of cars for $82,000 but this Conti won it. Its fast. Like, beats 5.7 Hemis, STis and GT mustang’s ALL DAY type fast…
playing devil’s advocate a bit (tho I am trying really hard not to fight with anybody except butthurt jeep bros today so I’m sorry if it seems like I’m ARGUING).
Here in the suburbs, we have things called “backyards” where we cook meat over fire whilst imbibing in wine and enjoying clean air and sunshine. We care not for your false culinary gods, as all our worldly needs are provided by the holy trinity of CostCo, Lowes, and Bass Pro Shop.
Living in a concrete box for 3x as much per month is better?
I’ll grant you that they are subverting public trans in urban centers. Out here where everyone else lives Uber/Lyft fulfills a need in outer suburbs/smaller towns where public transport is non-existent, runs a crappy schedule, takes forever/multiple changeovers to get where you’re going. Or when taxi services can’t…
In 1990 I was car shopping and test drove the Probe GT. I never believed it was going to replace the Mustang but liked the car for what it was and how it looked. I recall really liking it and vividly remember a nice design touch inside with a red band across the dash carrying to the doors on the GT. It was just too…
We have Solar Panels on the house. Wife wanted them. We only have them because of the subsidy from the Feds on the Panels, Subsidy from the state on “Made in MN”, subsidy from Excel Energy because of the renewable requirement and them buying back renewable electricity at above market rates and a killer loan from the…
This is a subsidy for car manufacturers (and, secondarily, to EV buyers - who I’m willing to bet are, on average, considerably wealthier than the median American).
Why is this “shitty” instead the nature of the political process of an all powerful government that is able to tax people and then use that wealth as it sees fit? Because it’s something you think is a good idea, right?
In reality it’s the nature of the state that democrats wanted just as much as republicans. Sometimes…
Are the credits needed to help the EV market or has it matured?