No. This is socialism running its course. Read some history. It's all there.
No. This is socialism running its course. Read some history. It's all there.
Socialism is a bitch...
This has to be like at least 13% trolling the Iranians, Farrakhan, InfoWars, Julian Assange, 68% of Youtube and every other peddler of crazy Jewish/Israeli conspiracy theories.
The source website listed the used cars as “lightly used”. What criteria did they use to determine what fell in this category for their analysis? Year? Mileage? That’s either a rather large omission or I’m just missing it.
This is similar to Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), where Trump is interjected into completely unrelated topics. I suppose we could call it Feminist Derangement Syndrome (FDS), but the acronym for that is already taken.
Anyone ever heard of a (don’t know if there is a true term) but what I call a ‘sky quake’? A buddy and I were hunting one year, we were up at about 9k ft elevation. When right above us, on a clear sky day, we heard and felt we thought was thunder... just this deep rumbling right above our heads but in the damn…
Your legs are the crumple zone.
I think people just love to hate. It seems far easier for many on here to just be perpetually in a state of anger and hate about EVERYTHING. I also think that Ford probably shouldn’t have actually announced that intent and just did it quietly like Nissan did in Europe for example. They quietly did it and now look at…
Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t totally get the hate regarding their decision to stop building sedans. It’s pretty clear that demand is still shrinking, they make a ton of different crossovers that are more popular than ever, and their profit margins on a $15,000 Fiesta are tiny.
I’m not saying I’m a fan of the decision,…
Hey Dad.... you can likely turn off the chimes in the settings. And leave mom out of this.