
This, I say unto you today: Make mine MX-3!

Last weekend I bought a new F-150 from a dealership 700 miles away. I was looking for something very specific in terms of configuration. None of my local dealers had anything close, nor did they seem enthusiastic to order one. It turns out a dealership 700 miles away had what I wanted, the incentives from Ford were

Or, actually, people are watching the race and therefore do not need to read about it on Jalopnik.

Funny thing about NASCAR is how it never really looks fast, but then you look at Talledega and you’re 3/4 away along the back straight and suddenly there’s a car spinning in front of you, you hit it so hard you jam your front tires into the firewall cage bars and you’re *still* doing 150mph, then someone clips you and

The ‘trouble’ with the Renegade as Tracy sees it isn’t the square ‘glass fenders. It’s the comically small factory wheel-tire package

The Chevy Venture Warner Brother’s Edition, with matching keychains. You had to be Daffy to drive one.

Well you can just go fly a kite

As an owner of a PT Cruiser, I will disagree. Not every one of them was bad. There were a lot of special editions that only really dressed up the PT. But this GT says you are wrong.

Are you planning a weekend beach getaway in your Mercury Cougar XR7? I am.

They thought buying an Oldsmobile Firenza would save their marriage. And you know what? They were right.

for perspective, my cruiser with full load and a fully loaded camp trailer (3400 lbs trailer, 6600 lbs cruiser) got 11.5 driving up and over the mountains from salt lake to yellowstone and back. Granted, I couldn’t go faster than 50 over the big hills but otherwise I maintained speed just fine.

If the American Motors Corporation were around today, it would want you to get out there and drive like a champion.

“Pfft. Amateur.”

As a guy who is painstakingly trying to level and re-seed bald spots in my backyard right now, I’m about to cry. However, the enthusiast in me cries tears of joy. But I’m also a landlord, so we’re back to sad tears again. Cognitive Dissonance is a bitch.