
I can't be the only one hoping Beck ventures further into dramatic work… or into just more work, period. Dude worked his ass off in Good Neighbor, and it lead to (of all places) SNL – and hopefully beyond. He and Kyle (and Nick and Dave too) each deserve to become massive stars or to, at the very least, have steady

or Ron Glass, since he's one of the remaining Barney Miller cast members still puttering around.

oh, the iron-deficienc-y!

Good people, who have traveled from villages near and far – lend me your ears!

+1 for Maserati. Jerry Fuchs was the man.

I have. Though I've been pretty underwhelmed by their material so far, I'm still so glad that Marc is still kicking. Dude has very few equals.

Yes yes yes so much YES. Right Now… and Terrorhawk are both frenetic, unstoppable, genre-obliterating, fucking triumphant masterpieces. I cannot even begin to describe how sad that I never witnessed them in a live setting, but after absorbing every piece of live footage I could find online, it's no wonder they called

You are all not in the minority. I know plenty of people who felt very much underwhelmed by Take Care. However… I have to count All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone as my favorite, especially alongside the special edition remixes.

Yes. This. All of this.

Seems like I'm also in the minority of those who really enjoyed (and still enjoy) Cloverfield. Really don't get the hate.

It changed, evolved, hibernated, migrated. No matter what genre or scene or era you investigate, there's always music worth your while. But then popularity comes in, when certain styles are given more exposure/credibility at the expense of others falling by the wayside, to the point where we've seen articles (as good

Precedents like Clock DVA, This Heat, etc.
Fringe bands like Papa Sprain, Flying Saucer Attack, Laika, Insides, Pram, Moonshake, Main, anything by Justin Broadrick and Kevin Martin
Then of course later stuff by Mogwai, Fridge, Broadcast, Rothko, Third Eye Foundation, Tarwater, etc.
And then there's the stateside acts.

Mark Hollis has the voice of an angel. People need to get on Talk Talk if they haven't already. Laughing Stock is flawless, peerless, timeless. Transcends the "synthpop" tag or whatever trend with which they were associated or any pop territory they may have previously explored. I know I'm probably just preaching to

+1 for Vini Reilly. Saying he's an underappreciated genius is a massive understatement.

Crazy underrated record.

He did it from memory too, apparently!

10 years later, and this still kicks so much ass. true house jams.

replying to this now year-old comment just to say: fuck you, and fuck doctor who.

Well, dadgummit, now my feelings got all hurt.