
You're off your rocker. Rectify is anything but typical.

+1 for your observation on Jon and his religious background. I wouldn't have caught that. I have a feeling that I'll be studying the writing of this series for years to come. Even secondary characters like Jon are so deeply written. Damn.

On a site where So You Think You Can Dance can also "earn" an A, I've stopped putting much stock in these letter grades. They're almost as useless as the arbitrary rating system over at Bitchfork.

Wrong. The correct answer is: Nathan for You.

This show is some serious next-level shit. I dare anyone to name a more consistently engaging series currently on air.

Ted may be insecure, but he's far from the villain that the series initially made him out to be. His behavior seems to be justifiable for the most part. I mean, if a guy like Daniel was hovering around my wife, I'd be on the defensive too.

totally unrelated but… is this *the* eluvium? as in matthew cooper? if so – dude, thanks for your music. talk amongst the trees is maybe just maybe my favorite instrumental album of all time, it's just so damn gorgeous. (sorry i just had to say something but anyways nevermind on with the green day bashing)

This show is marvelous. I'm doing my best to recommend it to everyone I know. As much as I prize the under-the-radar status of this series (ya know, because it's somewhat oddly satisfying to be clued into a show that not many people know of, i.e. The Americans or past shows like Stella or Day Break or Wonderland*), I

I couldn't recommend it enough. Easily the best thing Peter Berg has ever done. The episodes are extremely hard to come by though. Never released on DVD, not available for streaming anywhere.