
Very well said: "thrice-folded." Jamal Moss is another brilliant producer whose approach to production and presentation is almost deconstructionist.

Sorry, is it not dumb-corporate-pop-trash enough for you?

He's the reason that mindless tripe like The Chainsmokers exist.

please tell you've posted similar craft-beer roundups of other rectify episodes PLEASE

Five months late saying this: but this is a brilliant, brilliant comparison – though I've admittedly never thought to make draw the same parallel myself – that both sums up and only hints at the myriad reasons I adore each series. Thank you.

Semi-related question: How's the quality on those Redbubble shirts? Lots of cool (albeit obviously copyright-infringing) designs I'd like to have, but I've yet to pull the trigger because I'm worried that the quality is subpar.

let's just not fetishize it like what people do with game of thrones. "oooh who's gonna die this week?" pretty fuckin annoying.

more like "tushy," am i right?

so he can move onto bigger, better, freer things? agreed.

but that one trick, they do really insanely gorgeously well. it hits the spot when you wanna feel sad and lonely but also strangely badass and triumphant, aka my junior-high years.

maybe instead of bitching about the conversation itself, you should focus your energy on making a positive contribution to it.

and how about that awful series?

Refreshing to see an almost complete absence of ego and of the usual press-junket bullshit. Her works, each a hidden gem in their own wonderful and peculiar ways, speak for themselves. Seeing Wendy & Lucy for the first time about five years ago really opened my eyes to a whole new way of experiencing cinema, of

Your loss.

I can't say that it plumbs emotional depths like CK's work, but in terms of atmosphere I'd say it sits somewhere between Louie and Alverson/Heidecker's The Comedy. Super dry and bleak; quite cringey and semi-absurdist at times. Not for everyone. Barely for me, and I usually adore that kinda stuff.

God damnit. I need a different show to balance out the soul-crushing brutality I willingly subject myself to during this and Baskets. I've never needed the Gilmore Girls reboot more than I do now.

How fitting, given that Bill Nye's genuine, goofball sense of humor is infinitely funnier than anything that DiPaolo tries to pass off as comedy.

CK seems to have surrounded himself with non-PC (and arguably partially-questionable?) comedic voices/personalities – Jim Norton comes to mind. Perhaps it's just an unfortunate lingering side-effect given the crowd he ran with, comedians he developed friendships with over the years, etc. (You got me on Amy, though.

when you say kurt's a pretty shitty person, you weren't lying…