Lula Mae Broadway

This article needed WAY MORE PHOTOS...opening scene is so confusingly described. If a performer, referred to as “drag” is lip-syncing to Celine Dion with a long blonde wig and a mohawk underneath, that sounds 100% Drag QUEEN to me... How is what you described a Drag King? I don’t get it. Like, I’m smart and stuff,

The show is only “mainstream” in that it has found a bigger and bigger audience every year, but I’ve been watching since S1 and and it hasn’t changed to enhance its popularly; audience found the show, show didn’t compromise. It’s creatives and exec producers are the same–the only significant chance is that they

I dunno about Patrick’s advice here.

Toaster oven way better than oven! You’re just trying to dry them out somewhat. The direct heat from above & below does the trick. Ideally you lay them on the metal strets directly, or line the little tray with parchment paper (first choice) or aluminum foil (2nd choice.). Guys, this is Single Living 101. Refry?

You know your friend that acting teacher who has that former student who is working in an American improv troop in the center of town? Definitely contact him, get a comp to see the show, then hang out that night and decide to go to the farmers market with him the next day. When you get back to his place consider

Why are they trying to improve Diet Coke, instead of phasing in out in favor of the vastly superior Coke Zero?

I gave up weed for a great guy... But I was ready to do it. Long story short, I was a functional pothead. I smoked almost every night, but within certain boundaries–never at work, not wake-n-bake etc. Many of my friends and my therapist all ID’d this as a problem in my life, and I knew they were right, but I liked

When I tell people I’m 51 I get gasps. I credit genes & attitude mostly, but have been doing a good skin routine for a while now–with variations over time. I think this more of less follows the Korean skin thing (albeit fewer steps). Shocked by how many of you are unwashed!

The best way to protect transgender soldiers is to get the Dems back in office... And the best way to do that is NOT to focus on identity politics. Dems should be shinning the spotlight on the fired Carrier workers and people who can’t afford their health care.

I’m not a pro musician, just went to a lot of clubs and concerts and starting in my mid 40s, my hearing started to suuuuck. I don’t hear great, and even worse, sounds are so much louder to me now, which is a sigh of damaged hearing. I LIVE with earplugs in every pocket b/c the world is just too loud now.

Thank you! Surprised how many of these I DIDN’T know! Also, you left out Command + Tab to cycle through open apps in Mac.

Wow, a guy tries to get laid with a girl who comes back to his apartment to drink wine and “chill” after a date? I’m shocked, simply shocked that there’s gambling going on in Rick’s casino.

But isn’t the point, not that even at a company where that’s not the norm, these two adult women are perfectly capable of pointing that out and shutting it down? Company cultures will never completely eradicate inappropriate behavior. But just as the 3 martini lunch is now the way of the dodo, isn’t the goal to

Turning Roseanne Connor into Archie Bunker and rebooting as a 2018 All in The Family borders on genius... If that indeed is what they’re doing. And no, it wasn’t just rich white fucks who elected Trump. As much was we “libtards” try not to be classist, it was also a lot of people like the ficitonal Connor

Yes, it is, but hey–she forced the issue and now knows the truth and can MOVE ON. If he was stringing her along, or simply too much of a wimp to actually break up, it’s better that she knows the truth. Of course she could have done that privately and not on Twitter, but hey... Those kids today.

Yes, regular BTB Chicken is too salty. I buy the low salt, but you’ve intrigued me with the Veggie base. Thanks!

I was single FOREVER. I went from age 18 to age 44 without a serious relationship. Very long story short, after I did a ton of work on myself and exorcised some major demons, which involved moving all the way back to NYC where I grew up and then returning after a year to LA where I’d lived for most of my adult life,

The written series of this would recommend many apps, gadgets, time management systems and actual Life Hacks. In 3 minutes of video I learned=3 monitors, headset, email yourself, don’t work all the time. Pales in comparison to previous pieces. I’m done with the video.

Honestly, I like this series better as a prose article than as a video. Much more detail in the articles. Hope LH doesn’t decide to stick with video only moving forward.

Actually it’s just 1 horrific accusation. That he molested his 7 year-old daughter a single afternoon while in the middle of a highly contentious custody battle. I’m all for believing victims, but its easy to see how Ms. Farrow could have been manipulated by her furious mother and created a false memory which she