Lula Mae Broadway

Good point-that was the original question. Seems like they’d have to revise it for the times. If I were writing/producing the adaptation, I’d do two things. 1) I’d set up Brad and Janet’s repression better BEFORE they get to the castle, so that we know 100% that they’re secretly dying to rip their clothes off. The

Yes, it’s uncomfortable. Yes, it’s rape by today’s standards. But in this castle everyone needs to get fucked for their own good-even Brad! That part made people a lot more uncomfortable in 1975 than Janet’s scene. Frank’s anthem is “give yourself over to absolute pleasure.” The world of this movie simply does not

What about context? Thus this conversaton brings up all the challenges and difficulties with Affirmative Consent–in an effort to protect women, it completely ignores context. Yes, Frank-N-Furter deceives her, pressures her, and finally has sex with her-thus rape. But Janet is completely repressed and dying to give in

I use these for recycling an they’re perfect for it.

I use these for recycling an they’re perfect for it.


Don’t know that I agree with this. I’ve done more than my fair share of grieving, and what was hard for me is that NO ONE knew how to talk to me. Everyone was afraid that if they said one word I’d fall apart (which is kinda what the quote above indicates). Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s not like I

I was only confused by existence of the mythical city of Bodunk. Shouldn’t the non-existent city of Bodunk be the non-existent city of Podunk? I mean, if a city is not going to exist, shouldn’t it not-exist by it’s properly established hypothetical name? ;)

Great suggestions–giving extra major props for calling out Campari, Cynar, and the wonderful Aperol Spritz! Note Cynar is also an Amaro and can be after dinner as well.

Instead of getting a storage unit, why not take a pile of money–like hundreds or thousands of dollars–and set it on fire along with all the stuff you’re paying to store which you’ll never use again? Same result.

Maybe this is a reason for the ride of the emoji–texts do seem cold, and periods are very. Final. But if you add a smiley face after, all the better.

Flossing. I used to hate, hate, hate it. I knew not doing it was a problem, but a new dentist (and some hefty bills) really hammered the point home a few years ago. I resolved to be diligent and not go to bed without flossing. I’d heard that the 21 days-to-form-a-habit was actually too low a # so I really stuck

Sounds great! If only Postbox had a snooze feature it would be ideal.

My boyfriend’s brother just moved in with us for a while, and he called my attention to how much I say “I’m sorry.” Just having him mention it and having him around has made me more aware. Maybe another suggestion is to get an “I’m sorry” buddy... Someone to help you notice how much you apologize.

@ Wes Hutchings & @ superSquint. I’m sorry to hear that you’re both in pain. I suffered from depression for a long time, and tough life experiences didn’t help either. But I found a great therapist, really did the work with her and also went on meds and educated myself about my depression. Today I’m so much better, my

Enjoy! And Mangia!

Enjoy! And Mangia!

PS: Maron, if you’re reading the comments, I have a female friend who has a huge-but-not-crazypants crush on you. She’s 40, lives in Highland Park, is smart, attractive, fit, fun, funny, both grounded and a little woo-woo (I know it’s weird, but it makes sense when you meet her), and most importantly, unlike me, she’s

I love Maron. A little surprised he was so inarticulate about his process, however he is very much an “in the moment” kind of performer. It almost feels as if he’s afraid that by breaking down and articulating his process, he’ll lose his mojo.

Or for an extra $20 you can get an entire Triply stainless steel set: Tramontina Set

Or for an extra $20 you can get an entire Triply stainless steel set: Tramontina Set

Ah. I only read the headline and what was posted here. Thanks for the insight. Maybe I’ll round down to 20%. :)

I gotta say, I like this one a lot. Very helpful. From exercise to writing.