Wow. Clicked into middle of song and listened to all of :20 seconds and heard the saddest, lovliest lyric in this song that's been on in the background for 20 years that I never noticed before. Now THAT's a singer.
Wow. Clicked into middle of song and listened to all of :20 seconds and heard the saddest, lovliest lyric in this song that's been on in the background for 20 years that I never noticed before. Now THAT's a singer.
1) Uniform boxes are an advantage. I got groups in same sizes via:
Available on Coursera right now - starting week 2, not too late to join - a Bereklee College of Music class "Developing Your Musicianship" - I LOVE Coursera.
Please post again if you hear of an Safari equivalents. Just never got into Chrome & Firefox eats my memory.
Oh men - please, oh please learn to dance! And Women! Dancing is one of life's greatest joys! Learning how to dance changed my life and made me a better human being. I got obsessed with swing back in the 90s and now take 2 - 3 Jazz classes per week. Partner dancing is such fun - and such a great social lab for…
I got my Vitamix on Craig's List - clearly the guy had used it for a month and stopped; I paid $300 cash for a $550 machine. Best part - WARRANTY is 7 years, so when The Boyfriend ruined the jammer by using it with the blender lid off (oi vey), got a replacement easy peasy, even though I wasn't original owner.
I got my Vitamix on Craig's List - clearly the guy had used it for a month and stopped; I paid $300 cash for a $550…
Guided audio really helps b/c it talks you though what to do.
Sure - of course symptoms by gender are a generalization. I can relate too. But it does make sense as a generalization. And I think it's particularly relevant b/c anger is a trait more likely to be overlooked as symptom of a problem in men. Anger in women is, (arguably and as a generalization), more readily…
"Learn To Properly Split Infinitives With This This Headline"
K, K, splitting infinitives is barely a grammar misdemeanor, but the set-up was too perfect. :)
You can find used Vitamixes on Craig's List. Its one of those items people splurge on and never use and feel bad about. That said, I use mine almost every day for healthy green smoothies and I love it. Got it on CL still pricey, but below retail.
You can find used Vitamixes on Craig's List. Its one of those items people splurge on and never use and feel bad…
One that's surprised me to learn, is that in men depression can manifest as anger. Once I heard it, it rang true to me from men in my family.
Yes. And I know there are LH articles in the archives about how to find a therapist - maybe a big ol'link to that on this page would be helpful.
Nice idea, but stuff doesn't always sell as easily/quickly as you might think. I recently had 2 headboards to sell and they sat there and sat there. I kept lowering the price, but no takers. The upside is its easy to renew an add that's expired.
Maybe call out the gender-specificness like tagging something "Man-Hacker" and "Woman-Hacker."
I don't mind if something is clearly for men - like about shaving beards. But when something's SUPPOSED to be neutral, but is clearly from a male POV, that's a bigger problem. Recently I got annoyed at LH on a Hive Five…
Love the blank home screen, but moving apps 1 at a time is SUCH A DRAG - why can't they implement multi-icon dragging (a jailbreak feature). You hold the icons and then you can select more than one to move at a time. How can Apple still not have added this feature?! Am I missing something?
Recently lost jailbreak and miss some of the apps and tweaks... using iOS8 now, so when that's jailbroken I'll go back. Biggest one for me is being able to move more than one app icon at a time - how is that NOT in the iOS at the point?
One exception - based on my experience - day of release. I got an AMAZING deal on a 4S 64GB the day of release for the iPhone 5. I bought it from an rich early adaptor who had to have the new phone first day and wasn't very up on the resale value of his "old" phone - he just wanted to be rid of it. Now that the…
I switched to a cheap B&W laser printer (got a Samsung for $60) and have NEVER LOOKED BACK. Will NEVER buy another Inkjet - they rob you like an 1890s carny.
I switched to a cheap B&W laser printer (got a Samsung for $60) and have NEVER LOOKED BACK. Will NEVER buy another…