I am addicted to this show. From the moment Polly describes her cheap, garish party dress as something she “wore to Reagan’s first inauguration party,” I knew there was more going on that the obvious soap opera.
I am addicted to this show. From the moment Polly describes her cheap, garish party dress as something she “wore to Reagan’s first inauguration party,” I knew there was more going on that the obvious soap opera.
Philip “I hate women” Roth
“Do your own research.”
Except that “hysteria” exists & it’s not a conflation of issues. There’s no reason to target undocumented people and separate children from parents It’s an intentionally terrifying tactic by bullies. There was no process in place for housing the children or for releasing them to responsible adults. Why wouldn’t they…
This is not true. Some were picked up by relatives, some by persons unknown. The core fact is the US government in the form of ICE, took children from parents without any real reason or justification or legal right to do so, then made no effort to place the children with relatives or suitable guardians. They just…
I’d like to see the show work toward addressing the competing imagery we live with in the US - the food porn and the soft porn. Peak dissonance was skinny but buxom women eating drippy, giant fast food burgers alongside large trucks. That all of those elements - the burger, the boobs, the vehicle - were fake or so…
I’m nearly 60. While the show did seem obvious, it’s straightforward in an uncommon way. The graphic novel style of Dietland makes it more allegory than realistic, so the story and the violence, which is mostly suggested rather than shown, represents emotional wish fulfillment. It’s not a pretentious and empty Marvel…
If Trump’s statements were published, then read aloud by an actor everyone would hear the stupidity.
Zack Synder can get work but only 4.6% of movies get a female director.
A lot of women are single for a lot of reasons. I made a ton of bad choices about relationships, but finally I realized I didn’t want to compromise my values and needs just to be in a relationship. Being lonely while in a relationship is soul crushing. If a realtionship is not going to be mutually supportive and…
Maybe, but traditionally that meant a visit to a doctor, or not a doctor, at night when no one could see you, in a doctor’s office, or not a doctor’s office, for a large amount of cash. They were unsafe or required a stay in a mental institution.
Since you can’t sell the people, maybe you can sell their souvenirs.
I dislike gambling because if I wanted to throw money away I’d do it in daylight in a place with clocks and good smells. I know a lot of gamblers, an inordinate number of gamblers, the kind who never have to pay for their hotel rooms or food in Vegas, that’s how much they spend, correction, lose there. They only…
Constitutional rights have nothing to do with accusations of abuse.
The myth that family is always, ultimately good does a great deal of harm to those of us with terrible families. I’m pretty sure there are a ton of people with damaging families, just as there are others with merely annoying ones.
Why is the Army dropping Humvees as “an exercise?” Surely they know how to drop a vehicle from a plane. It’s either something they do often, in which case there’s no need for practice, or rarely, in which case they don’t need to do it as a exercise.
That CEO got sick, then left. The next CEO quit after about two years. All of upper management left within three years of my discovery — with very nice leave packages.
I found that three other people knew and tried to call attention to it. They quit.
The auditors were under investigation when I left.