
I did. I made a presentation listing all the errors and omissions and who to ask to make corrections. I told my boss and the CEO about the mistakes. They brushed it off. I couldn’t figure out who to report it to.

Corporate assistant here. I found discrepancies in the annual reports and the 10Ks. These were so obvious that I was amazed that not one of the board members or anyone in management or at the SEC picked up on them. We’re talking hundreds of millions of dollars difference between documents.

You don’t know what editing is.

Once again we have a corporation with a multi-millionaire CEO, “taking responsibility” to give the illusion of self-regulation. The only functioning and honest answer is to regulate the ride share industry and force the companies to treat the drivers as employees. It makes the public safer and the drivers more secure.

Corporations are not mentioned in the Constitution.

Let us all remember that Andrea Mitchell is married to Alan Greenspan.

A million times this. Our head of HR was called “Mr. Wandering Eyes” and everyone, especially the upper level management, laughed at any suggestion that he should be fired. They, all white men, said he was great at reducing the cost of benefits, notably by cutting any women-related benefits including birth control and

Shandling is revered but if he was alive he’d have Louis CK status right now. Gervaise can be annoying, but he’s consistently written with and for women. Anyone who considers Caitlin Jenner a role model is not examining her behavior at all.

Yes, sort of, but he wraps it in his own ego, which undermines the thread about fact of racism in interpreting history. “It’s not my fault I didn’t know racism was real,” proves Cohen’s willful ignorance as an adult, not as a child.

Police, FBI, whatever don’t announce an investigation, they announce results of an investigation. If you announce an investigation, the investigation is compromised. FFS, the investigation was only tangentially linked to Hillary Rodham Clinton through an email chain between Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner’s wife, and

The 18th century, aka The Enlightenment, was full of science and creativity of all kinds. Electricity was new and people were playing with it. Mary Shelly and her gang had been at a lecture about the nature of electricity when they got to drinking and thinking about what to do to entertain themselves. (Back then your

I am sick of people framing hatred and the actions of hateful people as “disagreements.” Anyone who imagines that Trump supporters, that GOP congresspeople, that ICE officers can be reasoned with and should be listened to & understood is being dangerously foolish and putting democracy and my friends at serious risk.

Maher has always espoused true Libertarianism, the delusion that the world is a meritocracy, so, given that white men are in charge, it proves they’re just naturally better than everyone else. Any challenge to that, say, by identifying sexism in terminology or racism in casting or looking at the biases inherent in

In addition to losing a job, they also have to pay back 40%-60% of their earnings. When they’re living paycheck to paycheck, that’s not possible. The contract or work agreement also makes it possible for Sinclair to sue already broke former employees to grind them and their families into the ground for their entire

I’m sure you’re trolling, but you have it backwards.

Love this. If I had a home I’d set up a workbench like grandpa had. Hand tools in shelves; pliers, screwdrivers, hammers, sorted on the wall; table saw, work table near enough to reach, far enough to move around. Vacuum and broom and dustpan, at hand and always clean enough to be useful.

My family loves Notre Dame; I guess because they’re The Fightin’ Irish. There is Notre Dame gear, they gather to watch games, and visit the campus. They are very well off, live in San Francisco, and go on vacation to Indiana.

Homelessness has to do with several things, mostly that because we have bought into the anti-taxation, “government is bad” idea Reagan and wealthy right wing have been pedaling for 40 years, we no longer fund the social programs that helped people. Until the late 1980s, in California there was a linked

I underestimated the greed of these people.

PE companies are evil in every way. Even the small deals do terrible things. I’ve seen profitable small businesses closed by “market pressures.”