
How do people hate HRC so much while extolling the women who came before her? Because we’ve bought into the narrative that began in the 1980s by the same people who brought Trump and the GOP to power, that she was/is a terrible person. Hillary Clinton can’t talk about the underlying injustice of racism, of sexism, of

Probably about 7% of Trump voters voted for Obama in 2012 and they were Republicans. Even those numbers are questionable as voting is all self reporting, a notoriously unreliable measure of actual voting.

If Jared spends the amount of time necessary to have a six pack, when is he “solving” the Middle East; dealing with the opioid crisis; being a diplomat to Mexico, China; “reimagining Veterans care”; reforming the criminal justice system; and making sure “government is run like a really good business” ?

Yes, he answered a man, not the woman who originally posed the question. That’s the point of the article.

There is never a reason to hit a child. Never. Violence isn’t discipline. Discipline is practice, is setting up a routine, is showing up, is doing the work, is NOT hitting, no matter how angry you are.

The state brings battery charges, not the individual. The state has the video, so it doesn’t matter whether or not they have her statement.

Activist Elena Featherstone has pointed out that it is vital that soicla justice workers differentiate between allegiance and alliance. Allegiance is supporting an organization or leader regardless of their actions; alliance is when you join with a group or person to do a specific thing that you both agree is

Insurance companies have a ton of money. Patients are not the reason they claim to loose money, greed is.

Songbirds will kill rats and mice. They scare the bejesus out of raccoons. They will defend their nests with a ferocity that is unexpected from such tiny things. They also work in groups to defend a tree full of nests.

Friends and relatives in the UK are amazed at the cruelty inherent in our for-profit health care system. Not only is outpatient care covered, it’s part of a plan devised by doctors and patients. New mothers don’t have to go back to the hospital or to the doctor’s office, nurses come to them, then request a house call

And Christiane Amanpour.

I get angry when I hear “the analytics guys” in almost any sport. Yes, the math works, but the action on the court/field is now determined not by the ability to play the game, but by a strategy that isn’t about ability or the entirety of what’s gone before, but about gambling. “The analytics guys” have their own

“We have repealed every single guardrail that used to protect women in relation to men....”What fucking guardrail? Do none of these women know how to read? Have they slept through every history and economics class...oh, right, education is a liberal conspiracy.

For the past five years I’ve been timing commercial breaks during baseball and some other sport broadcasts. I don’t think it’s the game itself that’s slowed, I think its the marketing that’s slowed the games. On average, 33% of every major sport’s game is commercial breaks. 21 minutes/hour is not the game. Even

Real Sports did a piece about how nothing goes to athletes. US Olympic Committee spends money on facilities (used largely by other countries), on their salaries, on conferences attended by employees b/c athletes can’t afford to go or are not invited or not about actual sports or Olympics, on fuck all.

Let’s also stop naming anything after corporations.


Conservative politics’ link to punishment as part of morality, to a division of deserving/undeserving characters, and a preference for hierarchical structures is well established. How do people form these attitudes?

I can’t watch films or read books with explicit violence. I refuse to watch or read anything fictional that has child torture or kidnapping as part of the plot. Not just because they hit close to home, but because watching or reading is an act of engagement. It feels as if I’m complicit in the violence when it’s part