Trump and the GOP will blame rising prices on lazy immigrants who are not willing to work hard for the American dream. And Hillary Clinton. And Barack Obama.
Trump and the GOP will blame rising prices on lazy immigrants who are not willing to work hard for the American dream. And Hillary Clinton. And Barack Obama.
It was ten years after my sexual assault that I learned the man, a “friend,” had raped at least three other female friends of mine. We talked about feeling bad, about struggling with depression, about feeling pressured, but because this man, this rapist, was someone we had to work with, sometimes our supervisor,…
That someone dug this up when it’s no longer relevant, at least not to current policy or to the people in power now, is indicative of how terrified establishment news and politics is of any woman who wants power. That Hillary Clinton is still someone news organizations have to attack is disturbing. Meanwhile, POTUS,…
Newspapers were not bleeding money until advertizing rates were eliminated in famvor of clicks by Google. It’s all giant tech companies leveraging their economic weight against labor.
Wait a minute....not that simple. San Francisco is racist, probably more racist now than it has been, largely because so many rich, white men have moved in and taken power. It’s also more classist, and caters to the ultra-rich. That said, this is less about race, than it is about money, about who is behind the…
A Kardasian maybe. Not a 22 year old with no real traction.
Fonda’s home is described as “eco friendly, with loads of energy saving features.” No house this big is environmentally friendly, and since dozens of trees were cut down to build it, it, like most new homes, has already done more environmental damage than it will ever recover in energy savings. (BTW, the supposedly…
Woody Allen’s work is always about a very young girl falling for a creepy old man. Manhattan is the story of a predatory man going after a 16year old, but it was called “art.” He made a movie where hell was filled with naked women chained to the walls and writhing on the floor as he and the devil, played by Billy…
For all those complaining about:
My friend had a student who insisted that Russia was going to blow up the world because Russians were inherently evil. The student had invented some stream of, um, thought, he imagined was the same as logic. Daddy was some rich guy, so when my professor pal gave the boy an F, Daddy ran to the administration.
Because a public servant cannot maintain interests that may put him or her in danger of being influenced against the nation and its citizens. They are called conflict of interest regulations. It’s why pharmaceutical companies could not, until recently and only in the US, be the ones certifying or submitting evidence…
DJT: So, old lady, you are very old, especially for a lady. Ladies should be killed at 30...
No. It’s. Not.
One cannot get the flu from a flu shot. One can feel a bit ill as the immune system ramps up, but more likely one either had the flu before the shot was given, or one has a cold.
When the super rich are the only people who can run for major office, democracy is in serious trouble.
Disney’s nickname: Team Rodent
Maybe, but with softball pitchers throwing that grapefruit at 95mph, I think they could adjust to major league pitching. The biggest struggle for women would be the same as for men, hitting. But home runs aren’t the only hits worth getting. A fast woman who hits singles is a valualbe commodity, but unless they’re…