Jenny Kellner
Jenny Kellner
Flashback time. In the 90s I wrote several stories for the SF Chronicle & Examiner. They were promptly “rewritten” by a younger, male reporter who knew nothing about sports. I would pitch a story, be told my idea was crummy, then find that some man had be handed the story &, of course, the byline. I gave up after two…
I didn’t say women & girl’s sports were frivolous. I said there isn’t a lot of support for them and for women’s sports as a profession. Rules are made and remade to do certain things to “enhance” a game. Distance from the mound to the batter shortened or lengthened, foul rules, shot clocks, adding a forward pass, size…
Women don’t watch sports as much as men. Part of the reason is that women are too busy. My friends would love to sit and watch games, but, unlike their husbands who stop in the bar on the way home after work to watch professional sports while the women pick up the kids, or, instead of cleaning the house, doing the…
Women’s soccer at all levels generated more profit and income than US men’s soccer for the past five years and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The NBA didn’t make money until the 1970's after 40 years of trying to make college basketball a thing. The WNBA hasn’t had much support from the NBA.…
Coffee was originally served in small saucers. It was more like espresso or Turkish coffee than anything Starbucks serves. Also, people didn’t have as many sources of caffeine in their diets, so the smallest amount would have felt like speed.
As someone who works with various charities, we’ve stopped accepting clothing from individuals because it’s in terrible shape, usually stained & torn, and sometimes infested with vermin. We do occasionally get outdated/returned items from Gap/Old Navy which we distribute to those who need it. You’d be amazed at the…
“My plan to restore internet freedom” translation:
100 years is a long time. Laws change. When an estimated 10-12 million women hit 68, with an average income less than $30,000/yr, the country will have to deal with them/us and what we represent for younger people.
I’ve met Paulson twice. She is tiny tiny tiny, thin thin thin, but gorgeous. Holland Taylor I only saw in passing; she too, is lovely. Both are very funny.
I’ve been working since I was 14. The prospect of working until I’m 75 is depressing. Continuing to spend 75% of my life - the amount of our lives we spend going to a job - doing for someone else until I die is feudalism. For those who have work that is physically draining, like teachers, farm workers, delivery…
I have been saving 6-18% of my income since I was 28 years old. I did all the things they say to do when they were available to do them. As a woman nearing 60 faster than my 40s receded, I am completely screwed.
We need gun control. (No one needs any gun except those who need a hunting rifle.)
Franken has denied three of the eight allegations. We are making false equalizations while under the illusion that there’s a high road that gains some political advantage. There isn’t. Meanwhile we lose a terrific legislator who knows how to write bills.
I can’t help but see this as a mid-life crisis sort of thing. He divorces his wife, goes after action roles, gets all buff - which requires an egocentric lifestyle so rigid that it doesn’t sound like there’s any room for fun - and stops taking interesting jobs.
I have. Honestly, there’s no way to know if, among the many sexist, awful things I’ve had to deal with, any one would have made a huge difference. The gig is rigged, so the only thing I have is my moral stance. It helps me judge the choices I make, which in turn, affects my quality of life.
If anyone else wore what Beyoncé is wearing, people would think we were crazy. On me that would look as if I’d draped myself in a shower curtain, pulled on some stuff from the box of cleaning rags, and swiped cheap shoes from Ross.
Dancing on marble floors is extremely dangerous. There’s no way to avoid slipping and getting on pointe is impossible, yet here these women are, but Melania can’t bring herself to show appreciation of the skill and effort required to perform at this ridiculous event.
Private equity firms are evil. The premise isn’t that they make a badly functioning company better, but that they use whatever companies they acquire as financial instruments so they make money. It doesn’t matter whether or not the company they acquire makes money, it matters what the financial statements say.