I got my first migraine at 4. Although my grandmother & mother & uncles got them, no one believed a child could be having migraines. I started having an aura at church, then threw up, then passed out, then proceeded to groan in agony for 12 hours.
I got my first migraine at 4. Although my grandmother & mother & uncles got them, no one believed a child could be having migraines. I started having an aura at church, then threw up, then passed out, then proceeded to groan in agony for 12 hours.
I feel your pain. I am certain that I didn’t rise through my last company because I reported both the head of HR and the corporate attorney to the Chairman of the board and the CEO. There was no one else to report to.
If you look at the links, you’ll see that the 10% figure is based on a very small sample and questionable data. By far most false rape claims are from teenagers afraid of being caught pregnant, the rest from people with other issues like criminal charges or mental illness. That means of the 10%, almost all of the…
“Randy’s about to be hit with four bibles!”
There is almost no evidence of false accusations of rape. That’s partly because an accusation has to be proven false, which isn’t done. A rapist may be exonerated of a crime, but that isn’t the same as making a false rape report.
Neither O’Malley nor Sanders had any lead ever in the nomination process. Even Sanders never polled more than neck and neck with Trump at 40% each, and never polled above 38% name recognition to Hillary Clinton’s 99%, and Sanders never polled above 33% of the popular vote.
Men think masturbating is not sexual assault because they didn’t -as one pig put it- “completely rape” a woman.
I am so fucking sick of the implication that avuncular men are safe, that “nice guys” are kind, that smiling men are good. John Kasich, Jack Kingston, Mike Pence, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker, Mitch McConnell, there’s a whole bunch of them. They smile and pretend they care but they’re thoroughly evil.
Seeing movies in Belgium was interesting. So many subtitles!
There’s only so much a person can read without moving far from the experience of the item itself. Mediating experience is eliminating direct experience. There’s no reason to stand in an exhibit space and read details about a painting, a rock, a skeleton. That’s what libraries, books in gift shops, and courses are for.
I grew up then and it was “freewheeling” for men insofar as they knew no one would believe any woman about anything. Oh, wait, that’s pretty true now. Besides the idea that times were different is bullshit.
This is a real question?! FFS. Is it that hard to treat someone you’re interested in with respect? That difficult to simply be polite?
Hey guys, stop complaining about your wife “dragging” you somewhere. If you can’t figure out how to have a grown up relationship built on the independence of two adults, then you need a counselor, not a shopping spree. BTW, I’ve had two boyfriends who loved loved loved shopping in Costco:
The US has a great many ridiculous systems. Our medical education system is all about the authority of the AMA and the seniority of doctors, not about medicine. In most countries, medicine is an apprenticeship program. People get an undergraduate degree that’s pertinent, then go right into advanced coursework while…
Clothes are a statement of the self, but they’re not a permission slip for people to abuse the wearer.
C-sections permanently damage abdominal musculature. More than one and the scar tissue begins to warrant another surgery to remove them or lose sensation, bladder, rectal, and digestive function. Standard medical opinion is that there’s no conseqeunce to sexual response, but every woman I know has considerably less…
Two things:
Love kitten heels. After breaking my foot, I can’t wear high heels for any length of time. Kitten heels elongate my legs and are easy to walk in. High heels greater than 2" are simply useless for walking on hills, and no matter how they look, they’re ultimately disfiguring and hard on one’s spine.
I had occasion to work with Saget. What a mean, spiteful, misogynist creep. His act was hate filled, unfunny, and stupid. His behavior to staff was nothing short of shitty. One waitress started crying and refused to go anywhere near him.
BTW, there is a flag code, US Code: Title 4 . It specifically prohibits use for publicity, marketing, or as part of a display. In other words, that giant flag held over the field is illegal. You’d think the military would know this as it’s also part of the armed forces code as well.