I threw a bunch of them into a hedge...near a playground...they seem to have multiplied. So I went back, collected all 4 billion of them, and found a place that would recycle them. I think they’re recycled as new water bottles.
I threw a bunch of them into a hedge...near a playground...they seem to have multiplied. So I went back, collected all 4 billion of them, and found a place that would recycle them. I think they’re recycled as new water bottles.
There’s a book, WASP in their own words, a collection of images and letters from the Women Airforce Service Pilots. These women taught men how to fly then were summarily dismissed as fighters, flyers, and commanders. It’s not a great book, but to hear these women’s stories is interesting and these groups and these…
Interestingly, the part about most female voices cutting through ambient noise is true. The wavelengths of crowd noise, which is very close to white noise, can cancel out the usually male lower timbre. Female announcers are more easily heard as are female broadcasters.
First off: how skinny are some of these women? I look at those tiny waists and know I’ve never had a waist that small ever not even as a baby. I met Sarah Paulson once, and she’s the tiniest thing in real life, but looks thin, yet normal on TV. A lot of these people are very small. Not fit in the overhead compartment…
Our the entire financial system explained as sports betting.
Journalists, TV anchors, writers, doctors, CEOs, are citizens. Citizens have rights. One of those rights is the right to free speech. We do not give up our rights as citizens when we take a job. In fact, our responsibility as citizens comes before our obligations as employees.
Under the Patriot Act and the Federal Tort Claims Act, officers of Homeland Security, which US Customs is, cannot be sued unless they get permission to sue from the FTCA Commission which rarely allows a suit to go forward. Almost everything is covered by a corrupted version of sovereign immunity adapted to our…
How do we contact Tim League? Alamo only has local info.
Is there something inherent in white men that makes them imagine they just know better than everyone else? That their “gut” is smarter than, I dunno, facts?
Yeah, why value experience, education, and intelligence when you could prioritize ignorance, immediate gratification, and emotion?
“a full-fledged affair—sans the sex” is not a full-fledged affair. I suspect the writer is mistaking a friendship for an affair. Still, hiding an email correspondence is odd. Odder still, no mention of how the writer “discovered” the other email.
The problem seems to be men.
Simple question: where is the water supposed to come from?
The free market is a fiction. There has never been and can never be a free market. Unfettered capitalism is feudalism. Feudalism provides few goods, no growth and leads to all sorts of economic and social distress and, eventually, unrest.
I’m always amazed at how skinny a lot of the women are. Their legs are toothpicks! It must take hours to get ready for these events. We see the show, but in real life it must take five times as long.
“Too many actors have run for office. There’s one difference between me and them: I know I’m not qualified. In my opinion, Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn’t qualified to be governor of California. Ronald Reagan wasn’t qualified to be governor, let alone president. I was a vice president of the Screen Actors Guild when…
James Garner sued Universal over their “accounting” procedures & eventually won not only back money, but forced a change in procedure. According to Universal, The Rockford Files, a huge hit at the time, never made money, not even in syndication. Besides, Garner and his attorneys didn’t need and weren’t allowed to see…
Rather than dilute the Wonder Woman franchise, there are so many women who would be perfect Bonds. Thandie Newton, Janelle Monae, Indian movie star Gayatri Joshi. Even if they don’t go with a female Bond, Viola Davis should be M. Hell, Viola Davis should be M’s boss!
I hope your sister has a good GYN. There are some who specialize in endometriosis and ancillary issues. Keeping a keen watch is frustrating, but important, regardless of genetics.