
I’m inclined to take Tig Notaro at her word that Louis CK is not trustworthy.

Ovarian cancer is rare rare rare. Only .001% of all cancers are ovarian cancer, that’s 22,000 cases per year in a US population of 150 million women, less than 250,000 worldwide. Half the cases are in women over 50, half of those in women over 60, half of those in women over 70. Ovarian cancer, like a lot of cancers,

Wall willfully reinterprets the information to accommodate his pov. Ignoring phrases that indicate slaves had no agency means his entire argument is suspect.

This is bullshit.

Seigner married a man 32 years older when she was 23. He had been charged with drugging and raping a 13 year old girl, made a plea bargain, then fled the US before the sentencing. Seigner would have been 11 at the time of the trial.

Americans imagine that politics is separate from their lives. The idea that we should be involved in things that affect our lives defies our myth of manifest destiny. Journalists are citizens. Football players are citizens. Even dumb ass columnists are citizens. Citizenship comes with obligations, like standing up or

Politics comes from the Greek and Latin words meaning “of, for, or relating to citizens.” In the US politics was given a bad name by those in power to distance their public service from the public served. The idea that politics, the act of being involved is separate from our lives does not serve us, it keeps the

Not at all comparable. And you’ve got the wrong end of the argument here.

I had an unnecessary radical hysterectomy by a shitty doctor who said afterwards that he believed all women should have all their sex organs removed at 45 just in case they might maybe get ovarian cancer. (Only .001% of all cancer is ovarian cancer, most in women over 60 & half of those in women over 70.)

In my attempts to deal with the world, I turn to non-fiction. I know that understanding doesn’t help find a resolution but it does help me decide upon which actions might be most effective and gives me a deeper sense of who I am.

No it’s not an apology. It’s an excuse for a sexist attitude that, no doubt, pervades the company. That he was hired by anyone as an agent, that anyone would deal with him professionally at all is a sign of how much misogyny is embedded in our culture and entertainment.

The charges against him were about molesting a child, not marrying his adopted step daughter. Which is creepy enough without him having taken naked photos of her when she was 14. Just ew.

First of all, this is not “just Northwest” of downtown. This is on the far side of the city near the Pacific ocean. Secondly, this isn’t just a lucky investor, these are one of many real estate trolls that seek out little glitches to take advantage of people. Mostly they get the addresses of elderly people who make

Another address the DCCC:

They weren’t receptive at first. Like I said, it took about 6 months to gain any sensible control. Then I had to remind them, because it’s so easy to slip back into perpetual panic. Whatever your job is, it sounds like it costs you almost as much as it pays.

Yes. Some families are toxic. The myth that family ties are always a good thing has to go away.

I had a boss who managed to time his intrusions perfectly. Every time I was in the middle of something or doing exactly what he’d asked, he’d change course or do something to reset the process. It took a while, about 6 months, but I trained him and the entire board to gain some impulse control. I did it by practicing

I use Vistaprint or Walgreens if they have a sale. I bought 500 cards, the next time I bought 1000. I keep a few bundles in my bag to give away every day.