
Yes, but the info should be out there, regardless of whether or not the trolls listen.

Don’t know if anyone else has organized anything. I got so angry that I did what was at hand. Then I told some friends. Then I brought a bunch of blank and pre-addressed postcards to my exercise class. Then I made bunches of postcards, wrapped them in a band that one one side is a list of addresses of news directors,

Another thing I did: I printed out a bunch of postcards using the Women’s March template. Every day while I have a coffee I write and send at least three of them. It’s a physical reminder of the power of the march and the women who showed up.

“If you are on the side of team owners becoming richer than God, then hell yeah, Selig’s your guy. But if, say, your local access to baseball is restricted to watching the occasional exhibition game in your ancient stadium while the Rays struggle to attract fans in the middle of a playoff race, then, well, boo as

I just called and left a message at the DNC. Told them they’re not getting a dime until they change this policy. Gave the number to 25 women at work.

Write and tweet and email the DNC. Tell them this weasley stance gains nothing. Fuck this shit. Women do all the work and we get tossed off the bus first.

Mitchell and Jessen were not Air Force psychologists. Jessen has a Ph.D. in psychology, was never a practicing psychologist, but an academic hired as an administrator for the Air Force survival school. Mitchell is a Mormon bishop with a SERE “degree” (Survival, Resistance, Evasion, and Escape) from the Air Force.

Then it’s gonna’ blow your mind to know that the ACLA defended the KKK’s right to free speech. Rights are constant regardless of the group that uses those rights. Upholding rights doesn’t mean you agree with the people who use those rights.

I highly recommend a terrific movie about the absurdity of war and the military and of PR. The Americanization of Emily by Paddy Chayevsky (of Network fame) was sold as a rom com, but it’s something more. The 1964 NYT review is weird, but gives some idea of how it was viewed as controversial and a pacifist film.

Hiddleston seems to have sold his soul. Photos of him in underwear taken in a fancy hotel room as if he’s an icy gigolo or Abercrombie model, dating a teenager, putting on a gorilla suit to pretend he has a sense of humor...there’s no one inside those shorts. He was so great in Coriolanus & in the Hollow Crown series

When someone tells me they don’t know what Democrats stand for, I point to the Democratic women doing things like this. Practical policy and law making are key to democracy & human rights. It’s not pretty, but this is politics in action: slow, meticulous, and directed toward a solution.

Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci, the slimy son Donald Trump wants Donald Jr. to be.

Jove is a terrible shot. Watch how he can’t control the recoil. The gun jumps up and backwards. Then he lets the gun droop as as walks around. It’s like he wants to shoot himself in the feet.

Trump grabs hands then tries to pull the other person off balance. It almost worked with Macron. Trump jerks him backwards so Macron turns and grabs Trump at the forearm. Trump istrying to say the other people are holding on to him. It’s a power thing. “See, they want tobe me/bring me down/aren’t strong and manly like

Alternate story lines:

The Green party nominated a woman who thinks Putin isn’t a bad guy, is anti-vaccination, doesn’t understand budgeting, who said Clinton was more dangerous than Trump, who couldn’t name a single world leader, who thinks 9/11 was a CIA plot, who speaks in generalities and sound bites, who maintains that she’s pro-life

I listened to some of the hearings today. Wray seems to be at best cagey, at worse, lying through his teeth about his intentions as director of the FBI. He also seems to know nothing about any current events. when asked about Wikileaks, he didn’t seem to understand or know what Wikileaks is. If any senator had asked

And whorish women who should die if necessary to save Jesus... or something.

You have a choice. Call them on their bullshit with everything you have, including your own experience, or imagine that their denial can be broken with intellectual arguments they will never accept.