
The Vatican was officially neutral. While several individual priests and religious Catholics helped rescue Jews, it wasn’t until Hitler invaded Poland that Catholics were targeted. Pius XII chose detente, ostensibly to influence the Nazi party from inside.

Again, you’re conflating two entirely different things. Petty grievances exist; blaming unionization, which is designed to provide individuals with the power of a group, is not the same as particular group behavior. If, as you say, the incident was used as leverage, there must have ben some other issue at stake.

That has nothing to do with unionization. That has to do with petty politics. I did the same sort of thing - organized office space & designed workflow patterns - and most companies suffered from out of touch management rather than greedy employees. One CEO got angry when I found a separate set of books, literally a

Greta is a terrible interviewer. She interrupts at the wrong places and seems to have her jaw wired shut. She couldn’t spot a logic error if her life depended on it. She also is quietly racist, making the occasional snide comment that makes me think that after a few glasses of bourbon and a cigar she will go on about

If violence is so pervasive that everyone has to carry guns, guns are useless.

San Francisco is full of Psuedo-Modern McMansions. Rich people are buying Victorians then gutting them, breaking and tossing out hand carved redwood paneling and marble fireplace mantels, crushing cast iron sinks and tubs, cutting redwood doors to bits and breaking stained glass windows. They eat up backyards and cut

Charter schools are the privatization of public schools. There is nothing good about them. Public schools, if given the same amount of money, teach more students, get better results, at less cost.

If the injuries inflicted are so bad the body is eliminating what it doesn’t have to hold onto, this isn’t a sport.

Why aren’t the huge companies setting up hubs across the country. If Oracle and Apple and BigFuckingWhatever Inc., gave a down payment or bonus to people who came to live in affordable places like Detroit, St. Louis, Atlanta, those communities would grow with all the supporting services needed to accommodate them.

The rich, not the poor are moving to California. Tech job attract the already well off, because the poor don’t have the education or access to the tech industry.

I just read a fabulous book by the recently deceased Brain Doyle: Mink River. It’s stylized, poetic and without a central conflict. Tensions arise from the events in town where lives intersect.

The A’s are recovering from the ownership by Lew Wolff who thought the best thing about the A’s was that MLB would fund his real estate empire building. If Fisher can get a 40,000 seat downtown stadium built, one near public transportation where people work, they could get consistent crowds.

Perhaps you’re right. But there’s no point in not trying. Maybe the defeat won’t come in this election, but in the next one. Or, Ryan’s friendly faced lies might catch up with him and his supporters could turn away to the other GOP candidate and open up a new field.

Suicide Squad isn’t an equivalent movie to Wonder Woman, it would be a better comparison with the Superman or Batman movies. Suicide Squad was a problematic ad buy. You couldn’t advertise that ultra-violent movie (PG-13 really?!) at the Kids’ Choice Awards.

Not so fast.

Kelsey Grammer’s best role, ever. Also Grammer’s real life political views.

Wait! This may not be a psychopath. Kids do not make the distinctions between fantasy and reality that adults make. 12 seems adultish, but it’s not. There’s still a lot of ignorance and incomprehension, especially about death, but also about cause and effect. Also, perhaps his parents are incompetent, that the kid has

For the group referenced in this article, people alive in the 1960s, that’s the age that can speak to the influence or lack thereof of that time.

That’s one term. There’s also D&C (dilation and curettage).