
You would know that how?

This article fails to consider voter supression tactics the GOP escalated in the two years prior to the 2016 election. Obama, as head of the Democratic Party, should have called attention to that every year he was in office. The article also doesn’t acknowledge the racism and misogyny that Trump voters espouse, now

If the idea is to figure out why Trump gave Jones press credentials, don’t go to Jones, go to the WH. It’s also a very easy answer: because they wanted to give credence to the stupidity & lunacy that Trump and the GOP fosters.

I tried reading the books, but they’re awful. Badly written, silly, and dull, I’m confused about their appeal. It reads like marketing material rather than erotica. Then again, a lot of erotic writing is at once simplistic and overwrought.

What short term 5% investment is there? I’ve been looking and the best I can find 50K is 2%.

Effective? How?


For. Fuck. Sake. Hillary Clinton was the only other viable candidate.

Stop it. If you are not going to get up and work to force a change in our politics then keep quiet.

I had an abdominal hysterectomy and ovary and cervix removal - unnecessarily. I wentin for a suspicious cyst and came out sterilized. The surgeon believed (still believes & give talks) that all women over 40 who do not want children and all women over 50 should be sterilized and have all their sex organs removed “for

Not having open abdominal surgery is a great thing! Morcellators are a tool designed to prevent the horrific consequences of open surgery that cuts through the abdominal wall and requires horribly agonizing cauterization of the tissue and blood vessels. Europe uses ultrasound, a specialized IUD, or pharmacological

Regualr sports seasons are way too long. Seasons that used to end as the net sport was beginning, now overlap well beyond anyone’s capability to watch them all. In attempting to wring the most money out of broadcasts and games, people are more willing to leave off watching early, to switch to something else, or simply

Benedict Cumberbatch can play in in a movie.

My Japanese teacher suggested I watch Japanese game shows. They’re fun, have numbers and colloqialisms.

Putin can speak English.

My friend was an insurance broker until the stress got too much for him.

Health care is a right. It shouldn’t be a business because we are our bodies. Because that body contracting a disease isn’t a choice one makes.

Another element of this intentional dumpster fire to burn information: the inability of publishing houses, professional organizations, academic journals, databanks to publish and distribute research, studies, raw data, and ancillary discoveries. If the government controls everything that has public money, whether in


Pence is standing in the rain without an umbrella trying to figure out how to get taller because climbing the steps that were put there before reporters arrived is not manly.