
This is Republican political campaign advisory company site.

Yes, the implication is that men will continue to define and rule the world. That an editor would not automatically see that he was looking at an image about his own area of expertise and not see that it was all male, literally illustrates the fact that women are not part of the mental picture men have of the

Unless you’ve first hand experience of interrogation, you don’t know what you’d do.

Because an organization that goes against its stated principles is not an organization. Democrats have traditionally believed that the best ideas win out. Not true, obviously. Also, Dems allowed for a kind of variety of opinion that left the party without a clear message or secure votes in Congress or in states. They

We have to talk about money. Unless we talk about money, we are being fanciful about the racism, sexism, disease control & health care, scientific inquiry.


Sean Spicer is taking out his anger at Donald Trump on history, baseball, and nature all at once. Also worth noting, that, as usual, Spicer attacked an impersonation of a guy who, like Donald Trump, Jr., enjoyed killing wild animals.

The grandparents would be long dead were it not for having absconded with younger bodies.

A huge reason is that non-union writing hires are freelance, so get no benefits and a very low wage. Also, it’s not easy to get a writing job, even if you’re not union or anti-union. You don’t own your material, so you can’t use it when the writers come back to work. Even if you could, as soon as you say, “I wrote

Becasue the GOP thought they could rally people against it and Obama by calling it that. It’s backfired on them.

That’s ridiculous. That’s alleviating people from the responsibility for making a choice. Not making a choice IS a choice.

Democrats didn’t gerrymander in the last 50 years, not just because they haven’t had the local governments, but because they thought their demonstrably better ideas about the economy would win over the racists and sexists. Little by little, fear took over from self interest.

Clothing was also a communal activity for the working class. Major events - baptisms, weddings, funerals - any sort of shared celebration almost required people use their skills for one another. Here in San Francisco, workers often bartered for goods. At least that was the story for my grandparents. 

The man’s 73. Being gay wasn’t allowed when he was young. It would get you thrown in jail and given shock treatment. That fear never goes away.

He’s a director with connections she will never have because he’s a guy. He has way more power than she does.

Anyone who thinks they’re getting a remodel is a sucker. These are theatrical sets, not real remodels. Even the shows with contractors are dubious, as they never seem to need permits or meet code.

Racism in the abstract, as in “those POC” not the ones I know, is rampant. My lesbian sister has black friends, but that doesn’t stop her from decrying affirmative action or believing “the blacks and the gays” get too many rights.

If supporting competent people is a problem, then democracy is over. There is no way the US would have voted for a radical female candidate.

Here’s a little tidbit I learned this morning.

A huge (yuuuge) part of the American delusion is that business is efficient, and therefore, business owners are somehow better than politicians. I’ve worked in big companies, small companies, academia, and in government. I can tell you that the worst, by far, was the international company. The CEO and top management