
“Potential indicators” What the hell does that mean? Something that might become an indicator of something unspecified? As in, “this could be a sign that points to a sign that might lead you to or away from or be over an ice cream shop that may or may not be an ice cream shop.”

Those situations are not equivalent or even similar.

No, she didn’t.

The Suffragettes in the US and UK were a mix of classes. The upper classes had access to members of Parliament and Congress, while the working class didn’t. Their combined efforts forced change. It wasn’t clean or easy or straightforward, and it didn’t change enough to allow women financial control for another 75

Oddly, for fragrance induced migraines, sometimes smelling something that neutralizes the response helps instantly. I’ve taken to carrying a plastic snack bag of lavender, while a friend of mine carries coffee beans.

Melania isn’t allowed to eat.

When are the Democrats going to step up and lead the charge against this cruelty? So far they’ve said nothing as a unified party about the underlying greed and cruelty of the GOP positions and laws. Individual politicians are speaking up, but there’s no singular response & a visible strategy for stopping these things.

No such thing as a free market. Never has been.

If the company goes under, the workers’ compensation disappears, while the managers and founders walk away with loads of cash.

Not in LA or SF or NY. Remember, housing prices in those places are ridiculous. Mean price for a one bedroom in SF is $1.5 million, LA proper about $1 million (not including Beverly Hills), NYC about $800,000, Manhattan about $1.05 million.

Isn’t this the same problem almost all the tech companies, especially the “sharing economy” based ones have? Valuations are not representative of anything real. Income is lower than expenses, markets are either way too variable or endlessly open to competition or saturated, or the business premise is false. There is

OMG he’s terrible at golf! I can’t play at all, but even my swing is better than his. But then, I took lessons to learn it properly, then when I realized I was terrible at it, learned that it’s not my particular skill, I stopped playing. Would that DJT figured this out about so many things.

Ah, but you miss that he decided that the earth is flat after all those stupid, teachers told him it was round. His education didn’t fail him, years of being told he is the greatest and unique failed him. Irving now thinks he’s smart because he’s gotten rich from an admittedly rare skill of playing basketball in

In mid to large public companies, upper management and board members get paid very well - 2oo x average worker. But the real wealth is in big expense accounts, zero co-pay health insurance for them and their families, other perks like “residential recompense” (aka paying for the family to live in a 6 bedroom

Ryan: Just because you understand quantum computing doesn’t mean you’re informed. Oh, it does?

Ryan: Ha. Ha. Ha. No, that is my genuine laugh.

Ryan (interior monologue to the Barney song):

Trudeau: There is no such thing as a deserving or undeserving person. We are mutually dependent on individuals and institutions. So we must make sure that human rights are never sacrificed for personal or professional gain.

Trudeau: You journalists know compassion is real, right? This guy said, “Caring is weakness.”

Trudeau: C’mon people. You made Disneyland, surely the animatronics can be better than this. What? He’s real?! Nah, there’s no heartbeat.