
Beyoncé also did something other people are unwilling to do: she credited everyone who worked on Lemonade. The egotism of institutions doesn’t recognize collaborative work, even though no one does anything alone. By calling attention to so many artists and to art itself, she pointed out the falsehoods of our star

I have friends who watched Chinatown and never realized it was about the chicanery that changed the water table of California forever. By draining central California and rerouting water to Southern California to create LA suburbs and parts south, they created a dust bowl. Now there are sprinklers running 24/7 to keep

Not too far from the truth. Reagan was so stupid that he didn’t want to read. He wasn’t very good at reading anyway, so the Joint Chiefs made cartoons for him. Yes, cartoons, not comics, cartoon capers with animated characters describing the geo-political landscape to him.

Here you go:

Warren/Duckworth has a better chance. Or, Warren/Grijalva. Or Warren-Murguia.

Booker also notoriously brought in Mark Zukerberg to “rework” public education system in Newark. Didn’t discuss needs or enactment or even tell teachers, school officials until the project fell on top of them. Resounding failure because it didnt’ address anything about education, only about computer models and how to

There is no way the Bond franchise will stop. If George Lazenby couldn’t kill it, nothing will. You should listen to different people.

He’s talented in a scene chewing way. He was very good as Coriolanus & Prince Hal, but in subtle roles he’s dull. Perhaps it’s because he’s led such a privileged life he’s never had to acquire any depth of thought or feeling.

Idris Elba, please let the new bond be Idris Elba.

Remember, there are very strong GOP areas in California and Hawaii. The entirety of Central California and Southern California have GOP representatives and local officials. Farmers are almost entirely GOP and Trump supporters because they work for the argribusinesses that bought the land for pennies - literally a few

No. They’re hiding.

Does anyone know if these violent protesters were hired by Yanablahblah or just some Nazis to give themselves more PR? It would make sense.

Maybe not, but not trying is another message, one of weakness.

Yes! Also ask what Democrats are doing to get their leadership in order and gather willing voters and activists.

But these are the people who should know the difference in format. It’s the ignorance that’s compounded with arrogance that’s indicative of a much larger, pervasive, willful ignorance.

Point out that it’s fake. Link to a Planned Parenthood website and to website that tell the real stories of women who’ve been faced with the necessary need for an abortion, like the Irish woman who died because the Catholic hospital wouldn’t give her one, or the women whose fetus was terribly deformed. Ask her to stop

As you know, the three abortions for the price of two is the most popular offer, but the year long, up front payment membership package includes as many abortions as you want anytime, so long as its during the less popular abortion hours of 10am-3pm, Monday through Thursday. This also includes pool access, towel

I would wear this. I would invent an occasion if I had to.

As a veteran of many civil rights actions, one of my favorite signs was “I’m so fucking angry that I have to fight this shit AGAIN!” The feelings you’re having are just that, feelings. They pass.