
Where are you getting this information? It wasn’t the Million Woman March, it was the Women’s March. It rose out of a small idea that took hold with several hundred local groups organizing themselves. While there was a core group & idea, it was not a top-down effort. Complaints, arise the same way the process of

Hillary Clinton was raked over the coals for not wanting to bake cookies and be a GOP defined, nice, white First Lady who kept her mouth shut. Donna Shalala, the Secretary of Health and Human Services at the time & literally dozens of public health organizations were involved in defining the needs of the populace and

TSA employees can make your life momentarily annoying, but it’s the corporate interests that have literally written the laws that get you in big trouble. Large government, the one that has been decimated by corporate interests and the GOP, have privatized so many parts of civil service that under the distraction of

Rich, therefore smart.

There’s a difference between political allegiance and political alliance. Allegiance is being an individual who is part of a defined group held together by a largely shared set of goals and values. For example the Democratic Party, the Catholic Church, the USA. Alliances are temporary arrangements to get things done

There are so many unthinking columnists & pundits everywhere - Thomas Friedman, David Brooks, Debra Saunders, Ross Douthat, George Will, Charles Krauthammer (oh god it’s along list) - that sometimes I believe that monkeys might be able to invent parchment, the quill pen & ink, then write Shakespearean sonnets before

All law is based on morality. Even if we do not meet ideals, lack of them does not serve us, it creates and justifies chaos.

Crazy works against survival. Also against morality, law, and the mission.

No, no one had ever gone to prison for email on a private server. In fact, several high level officials have used private servers. Her private server was not hacked, was more secure than many government servers, which is why she other officials used one.

One of publishing’s secrets is that private interests often give money to houses to have them publish authors to espouse their viewpoints. That is how Trump got his books/babbling/vague outlines published. There’s an elaborate accounting dance that makes pre-sales appear to pay for the advance and to hype the

Idea for reality show:

Becasue you get a salary, health care, and get to do what you’re trained to do, dance.

Law is not about feelings or beliefs. Refusing service is one thing, but the bakers in question didnt’ just refuse service, they made a public statement that their homophobia was righteous and should be legal. The dancers were making a political statement pitting their rights to not be forced to perform before a man

Being invested in the company you’re overseeing is part of the problem because then business is only about shareholder return, not product or customer satisfaction, or the role of business in an larger economic system. This leads to layoffs to make it appear that there’s profit, or buying companies that have lots of

The whole concept of a board of directors needs to be challenged. These boards are supposed to provide oversight & have authority to question managerial decisions, but in practice simply take about 10-15 days per year to read some lies in a powerpoint presentation about the company that pays them, then attend a couple

Honesty, eh?

That was about methodology, not a restatement of facts that are readily available. The history of the KKK is not that interesting, it’s pretty straightforward. Telling or teaching children to hate is very different from interviewing KKK members. W. Kamau Bell did try the love approach in his series United Shades of

That was interesting because it examined methodology and used the interviews as examples of the effect.

Family doesn’t guarantee long term care. Family often means putting the elder into care where s/he can be ignored. Family can mean cruelty, taking advantage, or simply annoying.

Ther is no such thing as objectivity. The KKK is morally repugnant. There is no way to explain how or why people hold onto values that espouse hatred, not of ideas, but of people. Nothing new would be revealed, becasue there’s nothing to reveal.