
Why is women’s anger bad?

It’s not about what the victim will gain. There’s no gain here. Neither Clinton nor Broderick gains anything.

Hollywood studios lose affirmative action lawsuit. Wonder Woman series must be written by Tania French or Alison Bechdel. Half of all movies must have female leads and people of color. Leonardo DeCaprio can’t be in anything ever again. Jeremy Renner can only be Hawkeye, and Lorraine Toussaint do anything she damn well

I loathe this movie for so many reasons, this alternate ending just makes it worse.

My 2005 Saab has low milage but it can’t last forever. I thought it was a rather expensive - but fun to drive long distances - car to maintain until I found out how much my friend’s BMW had cost her. I am not looking forward to having to make the choice between a Camry and a wrapping a performance engine in money to

This anti-abortion shit is a complete PR move to suggest that reproductive rights equal genocide. This misinformation has been promulgated by “pro-life” groups since Roe v. Wade. There’s no way this statistic could be true because

Bringing Up Father was a comic strip that lasted until the early 1960s. It was about an Irish Immigrant who came into sudden wealth and the family adjusting to “high society.” Full of class conflict, it hinted at the link between race and class in a way no other paper at the time did.

You’re confusing the immune system response to a compromised immune system. The immune system isn’t one thing, it’s a connected system of cellular functions. The system doesn’t overload, it becomes compromised by disease or genetic immunodeficiencies. In general, vaccines work by teaching the body to recognize then

Burn Notice. I love that show.

What this pick says is “mediocre white guys are still the most important. Everyone else, aka the majority who have been shat upon since Reagan, those you say you want to serve, are not.”

But Kaine is a Senator too.

That’s an interesting take.

Being “personally pro-life” but politically “pro-choice” is being pro-choice. Why even use such an inaccurate term?

Had HRC chosen someone more representative of the US, she would have pulled in young voters, black voters, Sanders’ supporters. But fighting for the blurry middle never works.

Perhas, but it also shows they don’t hold to personal morals. That’s way too equivocal and the kind of thing people said in the 1990s to get elected just before they started making abortion restrictions like the Hyde Amendment.


Two questions:

How about Facebook and other tech companies not vie for tax breaks and instead start paying more of their billions in taxes to fund public schools from K-college. If these wealthy guys were serious, they wouldn’t even ask their names be put on buildings.