
Where are you posting the jobs? Are you asking for help from organizations like Women Who Code and Women in Technology and the Anita Borg Institute ? Does the job description make it clear that your company is actively recruiting for a diverse pool of applicants? Does your company have a reputation as being

Catholicism, the part that isn’t creepy, rich white guys, has a history of what came to be called liberation theology, which taught that working for justice on earth was the only way we will be judged in the afterlife. Women like Dorothy Day, were communists, pacifists, and non-violent revolutionaries for workers’

what is this from?

Since I walk everywhere, a heel higher than 2 1/2“ is hell. Kitten heels, like the Nine West Margot ($79 on Zappos) are great for running around. Sofft makes one non-hideous black heel, Altessa II that’s remarkably easy to wear.

Since I walk everywhere, a heel higher than 2 1/2“ is hell. Kitten heels, like the Nine West Margot ($79 on Zappos)

Police officers are always on duty.

Yes. Fuck. It.

Try these brands:

There’s no particular game I remember, just the sounds of baseball everywhere April to October.

Do these celebrities really like tennis or is Wimbledon the show yourself scene?

Annie Potts should be on tv again as a regular part of an ensemble cast. She was so great in Designing Women (as was everyone in that show) and again in Any Day Now with Lorraine Toussaint. I got to see her in Pippin on Broadway. That dame has moxie!

If I wanted to visit my perpetually drunk, inheritance rich, racist father-in-law, his weird sister/my elderly aunt who thinks wearing a housecoat is dressing well, and my nephew who behaves like a slightly medicated, co-dependent elf, then I’d do that.

“It is important for the NRA to keep pretending they support gun owners when they’re really a marketing service for gun manufacturers.”

They are using words they’ve been told to use to make it appear as if they have compassion. I do not believe for a second that any one of these guys has any sympathy for individuals or any real recognition of institutionalized racism. They’ve just realized there is a movement that’s gaining momentum and they do not

That’s why the state is the prosecuter, not the victim. It takes anywhere from a year to three years to get to court. In the meanwhile, this woman became homeless because no authority could locate her abuser to make him pay child support. Yet she’s held in contempt?! Yet you think she should be spending her life

What the modern royalty - super thin super models - are wearing this year: plague survivor chic. It hides the smallpox scars, the flea bites, the lice, and the gout.

Snooping into celebrities’ lives is creepy, but celebrities using their private lives as a public announcement of themselves is creepy too. Two thin, rich, white people with ambition and talent must have a hard time finding same, except, oh, this. Thing is, for a guy who brillantly played Coriolanus and Prince Hal but

I love my local corporate sports entities, Giants and As and Warriors, but I think two of them are close to becoming the dishonorable Yankees organization.

I used to work in a shoe store. Women would buy shoes 1/2 or full size too small because they didn’t want to be the size they are. I wouldn’t sell the wrong size to them because some of them would come back to complain that the shoes hurt them and want a refund for shoes with blood on them.

I like you too.

OK, sure. But why is this news to rich lady who made a fortune off talking about generosity? A lady who could have just given the money away and not been left wanting a single thing?