
Why didn’t any of the men simply refuse to read the tweets? They could have asked what they can do, could have apologized for not having taken cruelty seriously in their own lives, then not read them. Mean tweets are cruel, and not necessary, so why even participate?

The crowd doesn’t count the boxer out, the referee does.

None of these are even close to what it costs in a major city. New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, remodeling a bathroom just to get it to modern elecrical and plumbing code costs about $35,000. A kitchen starts at $120,000.

Depends on who the producers want in the cast. Talent is not the only, or even the foremost, reason people get hired. I give you the Broadway shows starring Kiera Knightly, Bruce Willis.....

It’s not that simple. Sometimes revivals don’t have good sets, or they’ve cheapened out on costumes, or they play in smaller or much bigger theaters. Often the new producers are too involved and override direction. Sometimes it’s simply that the cast is forced into doing too many shows under awful working conditions.

Nope. It’s great.

You forget that the show doesn’t happen at all without the original cast. Nothing happens in isolation and performance, even solo performance, requires a great many contributors to get to stage.Producers invest, then hope to recoup their investment, but workers/performers are part of the business expense and, more

Why doesn’t anyone ever point out how many incompetent people work in private companies? I’ve been in several corporations and small businesses and jerks just keep getting promoted even complaints about them are ignored. Unions and tenure have nothing to do with problems removing a bad teacher; poor processes and

Average salary includes teachers and special education staff, like those at juvenile detention facilities who get a higher pay level because it’s specialized work. Those with masters and advanced degrees, who’ve been teaching for 25 years top out at around $75, 000.

“Welch is also an investment partner with NewSchools Venture Fund, which connects entrepreneurs to public education projects financed through the philanthropy firm. These include several charter schools, charter management organizations and a handful of projects to increase teacher evaluation through instantaneous

These people didn’t tell a story, they took a brief narrative of a complex, real person’s life then made it their story. Then, they made it worse by conflating their perspective with the POV within the movie/story. How anyone can think about making a movie about Nina Simone and not consider the context of the past and

Football and guns. In some way this is the perfect American tragedy. If we start killing off athletes will we enact gun control?

All these manufactured groups sound like pop barbershop quartets. That’s not terrible, but it’s not interesting either.

I wondered where my mother’s muslin curtains went. They’ve joined my grandmother’s smock front gardening shirt to make a shirtain.

The distinction between bureaucracies in academia and in corporations is meaningless. I’ve worked in both and the willful disregard for the seriousness of sexual harassment is pervasive. It has to do with the large number of men in power and the codependent women who work with them. When they control the complaints

Did they rehearse? Katy kept stepping on Dolly’s lines.

Every year Emmylou Harris and Rodney Crowell close out the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival. No matter how tired I am, I know that their set will send everyone away singing.

Nah, just one with all the insensitive and stupid things he says underneath it.

We should start thanking Mr. Trump. He accidentally raised an issue none of the anti-abortion candidates have answered. If abortion is criminalized, who is punished and how?

Compromise?! WTF?! How can a willfully ignorant group of men who choose to not understand how insurance and birth control work be both legal and moral arbiters?