
Maybe everyone should send crystals to Bullard Elementary schools and to the city council office of Kennesaw, GA.

Didn’t everyone hear Graham’s quip about the GOP and Hillary Clinton? ”We’re about to lose to the most dishonest women in America.”

Not so fast. The Little Sisters get a big subsidy for caring for the elderly. They’ve registered as an independent provider when state facilities are full - which is all the time. They also take all kinds of insurance, get Medicare, and, thanks to the ACA, are subsidized. Remember, none of the nuns are paid, the

Mental illness, psychic injury, and being a jerk are entirely different things. They may ebb and flow within the same person, but at some point you have to choose how to spend your limited time and attention. Do you want to spend it questioning every move and motive or genuinely try to understand and live with people

If you’re talking about physical attraction as sexual and that the only important element of attraction, perhpas. But deeper more interesting attraction, that reuires experience, which requires time, which means age. For example, Helen Mirren, Denzel Washington, and if anyone tells me that James Earl Jones is not

Subj: Keep drinking that staph infection

I’m committed now, so I’ll see how the last 2/3 of The Story of a New Name go.

Is it a pointy one? Those need to be cooked to go down well. I believe there are recipe books....

I am not as enamoured of the books as most people are. It took me several starts to get into the first book, and I’m having trouble with the second. Mostly it’s the punctuation; it blurs the line between spoken words and thoughts so confuses me.

Rushdie is a prick.

A one bedroom w/in 10 miles of San Francisco costs just over $3000/month. Within SF proper, it’s at least $4000/month. Someone would have to be make $120,000/year to live in or near SF. Further away from than 10 miles from work, the commute costs are at least $10/day, but closer to $15, plus travel time, anywhere from

It’s not just those guys who excuse the class divide by blaming the conversation about class division for class divisions. They’ve all said something along the lines of “Everyone thinks we’re elitists, but it’s just a bunch of guys going to classes.” Or my favorite, also used by Libertarians to proclaim there really

“Low income” for these elite schools is upper middle class. Those are less than 1% of the students. Also, the elite schools consider the wealthy children of foreign dignitaries as “special admissions” and therefore part of their diversity programs. A rich boy from Saudi Arabia is considered the same for meeting

Cab companies function under the authority of the city/county in which they operate.Both entities have an interest in safety. Uber has no such backstop, and since, they do not do any background checks or in any way require verification of identity, is more likely to have drivers who (ab)use the service for criminal

“Zoe Saldana portraying her is a bad joke because there are more gifted actresses who are more in keeping with my mother’s appearance.

Can’t force the Senate to appove, but if the Democrats are smart - dubious bet- they will start now to paint the GOP as anti-American, anti-Constitution, as unfair and petty, as activly subverting the will of the people.

2006 (a fillibuster to halt the confirmation of an unqualified candidate, the only method open to the Dems at the time), 1992 (24 years ago, when there were no nominees), 1987 (Bork was more than a bad nominee, he actively subverted the Constitution when he fired the Watergate special prosecutor because Nixon promised

It’s not just federal employees that have handbooks, that are all about obviously wrong actions, but nothing about subtler forms of discrimination and harassment. Regardless, there was never any real policy enforcement. The place I used to work had once yearly on line harassment lessons required of all employees. Of

Please no. Calling on all the hippie malcontents, the Black Panthers, the Angry Grannies to put these jerks on the bus away from here.